chpt 66) friendships , wedding rumours and the bts of mv's.

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i have just been working recently. mostly meetings , less rehearsals and i have gotten better at memorising and perfecting at home. i rarely see serin now a days , she is just swamped up with her own life . its either studying or exams or hanging out with her new friends. i took txt and their managers out for a dinner last week. that was somewhat fun too.we have spent most of our time and energy into bts' comeback and i would occasionally go to source music (their building) to overview the progress on gfriends comeback, i even worked with the members on their production skills.during this week  ,i also renovated a room in my house into the'merchandise' room. it was the biggest guest room i had and currently only 20 percent of it has merchandise. i filled it with all released merchandise of me , bts and txt and we organised it alongside a few of my assistants. the room was stunning , literally looked like a photo zone , but it was a merchandise room , something i had been wanting for a really long time.

i also began looking at the new collections of haute couture for wedding dresses , but i can practically garuntee that most of them won't even be looked at again , most were disappointing.we got into contact with a few companies and brands.

how would i say this time has been?good?bad? i would just say stressful and awkward. after what happened with jin and hoseok , i got extremely angry. i asked them for that'break' and they were extremely kind about it. but i haven't had the guts to go and ask them to sit down with me so that we can properly talk about it. we acted like normal in the company of course , but we haven't stayed in contact much.

hoseok POV

ah when is the food arriving?

this week has been insanely busy and filled with schedules , we are getting closer to the comeback for the japanese album so that's not a surprise. we should be in europe by now , touring...but here we are , stuck in korea.


i rushed downstairs and got the food from the delivery guy and began laying out the table.

me and the members are eating at late night, we couldn't be bothered to make anything so we opted for delivery.

namjoon: whose going to talk to her , hasn't it gone on for long enough?

me: right? i can't keep up with the simple conversations at work when we are rehearsing or recording. its so weird.

jin: even the texts we send her now are only about work

jimin: hyung , but she does have a right to be angry. you almost cost her , her entire career.besides , now all the latests searches are 'diamond sad' or 'diamond lonely'...or they begin to mention harry and maya or things that upset her...its not nice and you guys should have been careful about what you say.

the tension in the room rose as we saw how jin got defensive over her, not a surprise , he gets defensive over everyone.

jungkook: i don't think i can do it , i have a lot of fittings tomorrow.

me: i will try and talk to her tommorw , i will ask her to sit with us for a meal tommorow evening. all of you be home from whatever thing you have by 9pm.

namjoon: have you seen her schedule though? you know how she recently has schedules until midnight or past that.

jin: i will check with david hyung and get him to ask yoona noona. then i will tell hoseok and he can talk to her.

yoona POV

these past few days have been insane, all she does is work and all i do is get ordered to ' plan the wedding , i will take care of this'. let me do my job. she is trying hard to be nicer to everyone , is she going through a personality change or something?

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