chpt 31) promoting for a tribute

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 a while back , i had contacted the award shows and their companies so that i could organise a tribute for jonghyun and sulli...they took a while to respond but after speaking with SM entertainment and yoona unnie they had come back with a deal.

that i can do whatever i like , as long as i go onto three shows:

idol room (which had doni and coni , pieces of trash ew)

radio star (infamous for being hated by idol and making them uncomfortable)

and knowing brothers ( utter legends , but some scenes where idols aren't happy because of how they are treated)

when i had arrived back in seoul after having travelled with david hyung ,hoseok hyung and yoongi hyung to buy david and yoona's engagement ring that was specially designed for them in new york ; i was meant to have gone home , slept and returned to work the next day...but because of the unexpected call from yoona , i had to go and have a meeting as soon as i had arrived back.

6th november 2020

i had just arrived back . me and hoseok hyung and yoongi hyung were closer than ever.but more importantly i was happier and i saw a light at then end of the tunnel after receiving that talk from them was something i really needed.

once we arrived at the airport it was nearly 2 in the morning and no one took notice of us , especially as the trip wasn't exposed to the public as i hadn't even told anyone other than those who were meant to we went through the airport just fine.

once we out of the airport i had hugged the members and david a goodbye and they had left. meanwhile i had got in a company car that was taking me back to the office . i had two massive suitcases with me, which was a pain to load and unload , but unavoidable.

once i reached the office it was 2:24 in the morning.

i unloaded the car with the guard and i strolled my two suitcases to the elevator . the guard went home, i think , his shift was over . once i got in the elevator with my two suitcases , i pressed the button to the floor with my office and watched the doors close.

i reached my office exactly at 2:58 am. 

me: hey , how are you? also where are they?

my desk assistant and yoona were stood , clearly just arrived themselves.

yoona: they said that they would be here, i am not too sure

me: they have one minute.

i walked into my office and put the suitcases right next to my desk , i sat down and saw the cup of coffee yoona had left me.


i shouted  , they chuckled.

It reach 3 in the morning , i heard the elevator ding. the doors opened and yoona led them to my office. they walked in and bowed in respect.

me: 3:00:56 am.

one of the directors: im sorry.

me: you guys are 56 seconds late.if it had reach 1 minute exactly , i would have cancelled everything and exposed you for how you are dealing with the tribute haha. 

yoona: ma'am  , would you like me to bring some tea?

me: please. although a double expresso shot for me. i finished the coffee but i feel like i am going to faint.

yoona: yes ma'am . let me just introduce everyone here.

there were nine people in the room. the directors from the shows (3) , their executives (3) and the directors from the three most important award ceremonies (3).

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