chpt 47 ) "shadow" released and fighting with taehyung

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10th january 2020

this morning was a mess.

i was up before everyone and i was just walking around and thinking to myself about life in general.i think when i was by the pool , i got too deep in thought.i literally just randomly threw myself into the pool.i floated for about an hour until someone screamed my name.


it scared me to deaths turned around and swam to the edge of the pool as the figure ran up.

me: what the fuck was that about?

taehyung: fuck , i thought you died for a second or something.

me: i was floating

taehyung:in your clothes...well other than your coat and phone.are you okay ? i heard everything just now

me: what?

taehyung: yoona noona was on the phone to jtbc and dispatch . oh and i saw your instagram live too .you were here at three am?

me: oh yeah , umm i got up early.

taehyung: i saw your jubilee made me cry.

he sat down in the corner of the pool and i just stopped talking.

taehyung: you never mourned them you gave me time for my grandmother and i think you should take a break too after the comeback and really need it.

me: i have tour

taehyung: oh , well after that mid autumn , take a break 

me: look , i appreciate the concern , but i will deal with it myself.

taehyung: okay , okay...well tae boo's videos aren't being leaked , it was a one acctually had any videos.

me: thats great news

taehyung: he is crazy , he pushed you until you got a restraining order

me: well , he is broken...he is struggling a lot and he saw me as a beacon of hope and love...something he lacked in his life. but as began pushing me , i refused to take it and he was worried he would loose me... i tried to reassure him but he got aggressive and then abusive and that incident happened with jaemin and jackson and the others and it was a mess.but yeah

taehyung: come inside and get some food , or at least take a shower after being in that pool.

i nodded before getting out of the pool

me: shit its so cold.i won't wear my coat though , i dont want to get it dirty. 

taehyung: run inside then i will grab your coat and phone

me: sure.

i ran inside and put on slippers before running into my room after passing confused faces. i took a shower and dried my hair before going to the living room and getting a smoothie.

jungkook: why were you so wet?

taehyung: she was in the pool, come eat

yoongi : why were you awake at 3 ?

me: i got up then, where's snow?and yoona unnie?

jungkook: playing with david outside and yoona is in her room.

i went to her room and knocked before entering.i saw her on her bed reading articles that were released about the restraining order.

yoona: oh your awake - no , your dried now?

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