chpt 43) flying to the USA & shooting a Vlive episode with bts.

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5th january 2020

me: yeah , yeah. the black suitcase.

guard: how long will you be there for?

me: february or march...i cant remember...umm. once of them

guard: thats why are pack a lot.let me get that down.its my first time in here. its quite big .

me: mmm. i didn't even buy half of these. some are gifts , some are sent by the brands or they are items from shows that i dont want to throw away.

guard: so what did you buy? when was the last time you went shopping

me: like a quarter of these.i rarely go the last time was with my friend and we almost got caught by fans

guard: a boyfriend?

me: no a male idol. we are only friends though.

the guard got a few suitcases down for me. three large suitcases and a small carry on.

i filled the first suitcase with clothes and i stuffed bags with clothes too.these were mostly outside clothes for events and stuff. then the second suitcases had comfortable clothes and makeup and skincare stuff.then the third bag had dog toys and shoes and jewellery.

guard: are you sure you want to wear these to the grammys?

me: oh no. these aren't for that. they are for me and like my 'personal'time. official outfit for events aren't with me , its either with the designer or the stylists.

guard: you should really sleep though. you had a whole award show , isn't it too tiring

me: i will sleep on the plane , besides i have had like two bottles of coca i am wide awake and i have a meeting soon.umm, am i forgetting something?ah the carry on. i will take these downstairs first. i will grab these two and wheel them into the lift. can you grab that one. yeah just lock it please.

guard: how do staff know what's yours and what isn't?

me: we have a system. once i am at the airport staff members take the suitcase and i get straight into the airport and past check in .for idols check in , is done like a day before and if they have their own jet , its a whole different story.not because we are special , just because it causes chaos the longer we stay in front of the public eye and that is a threat to border control and safety.

gaurd: you have like passages , right?

me: yeah , in most airports.

we wheeled the suitcases to the lift and took them to the front door

guard: do you want help with the carry on bag?

me: you can come up if you like, im lonely and bored so why not.

we took the lift to the second floor where i grabbed the carry on and then we took the lift back to the third floor.there the guard turned around whilst i unlocked my office.

i opened the door and we walked in .

he held snow whilst i grabbed my laptop and charges and adaptors and stuffed it into the carry on.

from there i went was nearly 3am. i went to the gym and spent some time on the yoga mat. at around 4am i went and took a shower and blow dried my hair. i went downstairs and ate some food and then i got changed.5am, i have time. i watched some netflix. 6am, time to leave.i went and got changed into jeans and a oversized jumper.

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