chpt 59) the new diamond

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1st june 2020

a year ago today i was at the bts concert in wembley

right now its 9am and i watch as staff members enter the building.everything i were yesterday has sold out and i am being spoke about everywhere.every news forum or online chat is talking about me.

multiple kpop idols have reposted the picture i posted of me infront of the hospital on their instagram story with a purple heart. iu did it first.then the red velvet members and friend members. so far it has 30 million likes and 12 million comments.

its has become an international phenomenon.

by 10am i was in a meeting with the public relations team.

me: you guys are absolutely disgraceful how could you turn on suga like that. his song was against jim jones' racism.yet you guys didn't even ask him and you posted that bullshit statement. i am sorry but it's embarrassing. i wake up and see that? jesus christ i almost wanted to go back to sleep and press restart. at least the fans know better than his own for my pictures and what happened yesterday , its worked out much better than i though. its begun a trend and sold out everything i am wearing.

yoona: we need a statement released asap.

me: yes . just the usual , we are blacklisting everyone there and suing them. they broke multiple bighit rules and basic human decency. the company won't stand by it , blah blah blah.also that the reason i was in hospital is a personal and private matter , i dont need it released unless i feel comfortable.thank you so much for your hard work. yoona unnie you can take over now. i have a few meetings with the lawyers.

i left the room and went into another room with lawyers

me: so i plan on giving three million away to the black lives matter organisation.

their jaws dropped and they stared at me confused and weirded out

me: one million from bighit , one million from bts and one million from is from my card and the company card though. what happened to george floyd is absolutely disgusting and we stand by the basic human rights and i can already see this matter growing and growing into an international is wrong of me not to donate. for now please look into legalities behind it and how we can donate as easily as possible without drawing attention to ourselves.thank you for your hard work. anything else?

they began talking about how they had begun to sue more bts antis and they wanted to know if they should do the same for me

me: yes , sue them all i dont care anymore.but after you look into this matter.i have a few reschedule meetings today. i will see you guys next week.

we all left and i went to my office and sat through endless meetings. i was so tired and 9pm the meetings all ended and i was able to leave and go home.

i was looking through instagram when i realised everyone was now participating in something new called the 'diamond challenge'. they all wrote 'fuck off ' on their shows and posed like i did and posted pictures.

most idols did it and their companies seemed to back it. i was shocked yet happy.the door opened and jungkook came in.

jungkook: what a show you put on yesterday.

me: i know right.

jungkook: you going home?

me: yeah , i guess so.

jungkook: how are you just going to go about your life like the last three days never happened?

me: i dont know , watch me as i do it.

jungkook: eunha you tried to kill yourself

me: it wasn't my first time.dont act so shocked.anyway , where's snow?

jungkook: .....................what........did you say?

me: snow?is where?

jungkook: umm , with your house manger.that student.

me: cool , im off to see my grandmother

jungkook: you have changed so much since yesterday

i turned to him as i put on my face mask

me: i tried to kill myself for the third time and  still somehow lived. i realised a lot. i lost my patience with reporters and sasaengs. also calm down , we have the recording tomorrow for the YouTube graduations. i will see you there in the morning.

i left the office and got driven to my grandmothers. i went inside the house and prepared for her rant.

she didn't even shout at me. she just gave me food and told me that i looked like a gangster yesterday. i laughed at her comment and ignored it. she force fed me her curry and i chocked on it as she kept trying to fatten me up.

once i finished  , i took the plates to the dishwasher with her. once i turned it on she slapped me round the head and said " dont pull anything so stupid again. i nearly murdered your parents'.

i stayed with her until midnight and watched her fall asleep. after that i left and went back to my house. i opened the door and remembered the last few scenes of what i remembered.

serin runs down the stairs and starts crying as she sees me by the door. snow barks and jumps onto my legs .i hug serin and pick up snow .

she is literally sobbing and apologising.i explained how nothing was her fault and she after a while she accepts it too. she enjoyed looking after snow and they had gotten close from what it seems like.

i saw down with her in the conversation pit and she thinks that i just had a bad reaction to the sleeping pills.thats good enough , she doesn't need to know more than that.after talking to her a bit i decide to go up and take a shower and sleep. tommorow will be a busy day.

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