chpt 15) paris day 1 and 2

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the day after london day 2 concert was pretty chill.i woke up and did a full day of recording for live.but their was a few mishaps with the fans that we invited , because they were lost and it took a while for them to get here.

the day after i began the morning with a meeting with a few companies that i was interested in buying and was rushed off to rehearsals.

after rehearsals i was driven to the fan meet.the most memorable bit was when a fan came dressed up as my was a struggle for them to move but whatever.i always get a lot of gifts ,they all go into a suitcase for me to arrange in the hotel.after the fanjet was the soundcheck.soundcheck is lit but this time a few girls were kicked out because security caught them recording lmao.

once we got to the actually concert.everything was pretty chill, i was not to stressed but i was a bit nervous .

the cover that we had for day one was "so am i "

the first two people at the start were these two backup dancers that i had.they had been dating for three years and they are so cute together .their chemistry in incomparable to other people.once we finished the dance i was handed a microphone by a security guard and i proceeded to speak.the person who won the lottery was coming up the stairs.

we greeted each other and i handed her a microphone.

winner: okay so my question is, have you ever been on wattpad?

me: hahaha.boi i have even read the entire fandom life was built on wattpad.

winner: have you read one about yourself or BTS?

me: i have read loads about myself.i tend to be the best friend of y/n.wattpad writers are underrated.also i have read three about BTS,after a while i got uncomfortable with the shipping and the different personalities.cause i know them personally and the wattpad version of them is sooo different to who they actually are.but fanfics are hilarious, they are amazing and the plot it top notch.

she was laughing like crazy and i handed her the mirandise bag before she around 11 the concert was done and i headed straight to the hotel.


day 2 of paris

the day started off as usual ,rehearsals .but today we finished rehearsals early so i decided to do a prank.i filmed it for youtube and we were going to post it as soon as we finished recording it.

the camera turned on and i began to speak

me: hey i have three hours until the fan meeting and i wanted to do a but of a i am going to go outside of the concert dressed in the adidas "diamond staff" and i want to notice if anyone even notices me.i am going to the adidas booth to help there and then at the photo section.see you

i had cameras recording from a few meters away so it won't be obvious but i also had a secret microphone on me so it seemed like i am talking to myself.

the recording began as soon as i was next to the adidas booth .no one had seen me as i walked to the booth,madness.

fan: hey can i take a picture with you, you look a lot like a singer that i am here to see

me: ah i look like her?

fan : wow you talk like her too

me: who knows maybe i am her.

fan: i doubt is too dangerous for her to come out and she is really busy

me: who knows..

i smiled and took a picture with her

for an hour people only came up to me if they were going to buy things.

the last two hours, i went to the photo section, but i had gotten changed and was in regular clothes and i posed as a fan. no one even blinked an eye.there was a large poster of me on a building and i went towards it and asked someone to take a photo of me.she took the photo but she looks really confused as she handed my phone back to me

her: are you by any chance...?

me: a fan?

her: no.. are you ...diamond?

me: my name is eunha

her: oh thats her name too...

me: i know right.i look like her twin

her: look, talk and act just like her...but i dont think that you are her because she normally has meetings right now or going to her meet and greet.could i show her a picture of you there?

me: of course. i wonder if diamond knows me.what if she knows you?

her: i dont think so.oh my god i have to go there now .bye

i waved goodbye and spoke into the microphone

me: no one fully recognised me apart from two fans.i might be late to the meet and greet. should i run..mmm .yeah i dont want to be late.

i began to run as i ran into the entrance for the dancers.a few people saw me running and i think they realised that it was me.i had a few people jog after me but most of them gave up after a but thinking i was just a look a like.

as i was running i saw a fansite manager.she was taking pictures for the fan café, she saw me and i waved to her and i winked at her.she took a few photos as i ran into the entrance .

hair and makeup met me in one of the rooms and they sorted me out before i went in.

the fan meeting was alright.but the last fan met was that girl

as she was walking everyone began to scream.

me: did they release the video?

the fans nodded yes

me: did you guys see me?

they began to laugh

me: actually i saw a fan site manager and she recognised me i think. two other fans thought i looked like..well myself .it was amazing 

the fan finally reached the table.

her: so it was you

me: yeah

we started laughing like crazy

her: oh my god i must be blind

me: you were really logical about it.but today rehearsal finished early thats why.

as the fan meeting came to an end.  i was once again rushed to the soundcheck.soundcheck went smoothly and we soon got to the concert.concert went alright but my muscles were really sore.

today i cover ava max again 

once i finished dancing ,the boy was just getting to the stage.

me: this dance was actually amazing.Sinb is an amazing performer and mina never disappoints .her choreography is always amazing and i really want to collaborate with her on a song one day.

the guy came up and  he seemed really friendly

his question was : have you ever read any webtoons

me: i always read on their."my cold hearted king" is amazing.the BTS webtoon was spectacular aswell but it made me cry so many times.but my ultimate favourite,"true beauty". i hope it becomes a drama.i would love to play the protagonist, but only if the creator would want me to be the protagonist.webtoon is really addictive.they creators are hardworking too.

i handed him his goody bag and went back to performing.the concert went well and i went straight to the hotel.i was to sore to move any more

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