Chpt 107) embezzlement/riize scandals, back in london and awkwardness at work

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November 19th

Today was such a messy day. The news got out about the guy we suspected of embezzlement and fraud.

This was being dealt with since a few months ago but now it was public. I really didn't want it to be because I knew the guys family and they are good people. But I couldn't control it at all. Now that it is a criminal court case too...there is nowhere to go.

It was a weird form of betrayal. It's someone who me and the members were close to, somone who was there from the start and grew with us, someone who was one of the original people I started with...yet somehow he thought it best to let greed take over and do this...knowing it's consequences too.

At first when I found out I confronted them with a lawyer, yoona and David in the room as witnesses. It was silent and excruciatingly petty of me to just watch him squirm as he tried to deny everything. He kept in denial for a while and then admitted to getting the money and what he did with it.

I didn't say anything I just nodded and told him to leave and get a pretty good lawyer.

The last thing I said to him personally was "you know, we went from a rented basement floor to this high rise floor in a building we own...we went from Seoul to across the world together... I pay you more than any of our other choreographers and give you the most bonuses...not to mention the stock I gifted you...yet you felt it necessary to go and get more money in such a way??? If you asked me I would have given you double the amount ! If you waited a year your paycheck would have equaled the amount you had stolen!!! But greed blinds the wealth and privledgded. So here we are... I'm sorry it has gotten to this and I wish you the best, but I will not hold back in dealing with this. You know I never do. If you ever need help for anything other than this, you have my number"

I left him in the room with our head of legal team after that , where he was presented with all the files of evidence and dismissal.

It broke my heart but I couldn't do anything about it.

Now that it came out today the members were calling me like crazy to ask what happened.

I messaged them on our gc to say "I'm at home today with snow from 3PM onwards so just drop by and we can talk it over"

I got home at 3 and saw the members were all waiting in the living room for me

Jimin and taehyung were sat on one sofa , namjoon and jungkook on the other.

I said hi to them and put my stuff down.

Snow ran into their arms and yeontan emerged from a corner.

He ran up to me and I picked him .

I walked In and sat down.

I explained everything from start to finish without making eye contact with jungkook

It was noticeable

They kept asking why I never told them

"I am not allowed to when internal investigations happen. When such things happen only me David and yoona know . As well as some lawyers. But that's it."

Then the questions began and I realised how exhausted I was

I answered them and once they got into their own conversations about how they felt about it I started dozing off

Yeontan jumped into my lap and woke me up

Taehyungs : when did you go to the office today?

Me: I left after a 34 hour shift

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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