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AN - this is lowkey a really long piece of writing , but its kinda interesting. sorry , i couldn't fathom breaking it down and not having it organised like this

26th december 2019

i was getting packed for the usa , although i still hadn't fully unpacked since i had come back. i finished packing really soon and i decided that i wouldn't sleep until i am on the around 2 am i received a call and surprisingly it was from my dad

father: hello? are you coming to london to at least spend christmas or new years with us?

me: do you acknowledge my career and choices?

he went quiet

me: i am flying out , i have a few schedules to do.

father: i bet your still stupid and weak enough to go and get a therapist. i will get your mother on the phone

me: no , no im not. there is no point in that.besides , if i was to die you wouldn't even blink an eye

mother: hello , how are you? i saw your performance , why would you cry so much?

me: ahhh. what loving parents huh?

mother: please come back home , at least spend a late christmas with us or new years

me:sorry i have events to attend to .i would come and see you guys , but you dont even acknowledge me and my career or my job and choices , so no thank you.good night.

i hung up the phone and turned to the guards and spoke to them for a few minutes. i checked everything was in the car .

the guard got into another car and she was driven away. i got into my car as a driver sat in the front seat and drove me to my grandmothers. once i was there i gave her a gift and spent an hour with her. i was still wearing the same dior dress as from the performance. i haven't had time to change.she said that her gift to me was transferring her stocks to my name and account , all of them from various companies. i thanked her of course and i did eventually leave.but i could go to see the boys as i had planned , i didn't have the guts to see txt either as they knew what happened

i persuaded my driver to take me to the han river so i could walk snow for a bit.

driver: well , we have a car trailing us . it is a dispatch car.

me: oh thats fine , i am not seeing anyone

driver: ah , okay then. i will take you.

the driver took me to the han river and once i was out the car , i put on a alexander wang brown coat that reached my ankles and i got snow onto a leash . i grabbed my wallet and phone and put them into my pockets and i closed the door behind me. it was freezing and the snow looked beautiful tonight.

driver: i will be waiting here or trailing behind you , please stay safe ma'am . in an hour or so , we will need to leave for the airport.

me: okay , i will find you , it won't be too hard

i watched as the car behind us parked a few metres away and as the driver got a camera out. i ignored it and went towards the main pathway . i took snow off her leash and she ran for a bit. i had a few snacks in a packet that i took out of my bag , so i went to the playground and sat on a swing. i fed them to her bit by bit and she got more and more energetic per bite.i swung on the swings a bit as snow played with the sand near by the seesaw.i got my phone out and played music slightly loudly and danced along to it and played with snow , somehow balancing between the two.

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