Chpt 16) berlin day 1&2[+ the extra day with tae]

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August 6th

David: diamond, the plane is ready

I got up and held snow close to my chest.We boarded the plane that was to arrive in berlin.i was exhausted and I had a few events as soon as I landed ,I really couldn't be bothered to do any of them,apart from one.

We landed around an hour later and there were a few photographers.

Something I have not really mentioned ,was that I always had a camera crew filming me(apart from some occasions , where mentioned).the filming was going to be put together into a film .the film would be enhancing my fans knowledge of what it is like on tour.

Once I landed I was picked up and driven to interviews.i was driven to three separate locations for each interview,and then I went to my hotel.i was then taken to a dog park.we had asked for it to be closed for the day and the park complied as they wanted the publicity. We didn't invite any fans for this, instead I had a few missions to do with snow.

There was a course and a park .snow was very well trained,she aced everything and got all the prizes,the directors were shocked ,but somewhat not surprised. This was my last event for the day and I could stay in the hotel for the rest of the day.

For the rest of the day , I was making songs and lyrics for my next album.up until midnight I made three songs(but without lyrics).by the time it was 3am, I made lyrics for two songs..but the last was a bit too... emotional. I made the lyrics but, I could never release is too personal . I could always give it to one of the members. I sat for around 5 minutes ,deciding on who to give the song to...

ring ring

"taehyung hyung"

Me: hello

Tae: hey. Hows tour?

Me: haha,hows getting ready for the two month holiday

Tae: amazing.jin hyung tried to die his hair again,but our manager caught was ruined but we took him to a salon and fixed it.

Me: omg,he tried to die it...again?

Tae: I know right.what time is it there...where are you...hmm you must be in paris or berlin?

Me: I was in paris,but I got to berlin today

Tae: but you had three interviews ... I swear we always arrive at night

Me:yeah we do, but I had to do the interviews anyway.

Tae: when is your next concert?

Me: tomorrow

Tae:ahh, what are you doing then ,for tomorrow?

Me: well,at 4am, I am meeting up with a youtuber to film a few vidoes, then at 6am we have around 1 or 2 pm is the fan meeting..and then at 3pm is the soundcheck....oh and then I have the concert at 7pm.then once I get to the hotel at 11:30 I have to hold a live,as always

Tae: wow,so what time is it there right now?

Me: around 3 am

Tae: you fool,get to sleep then.when are you leaving for the youtuber thing?

Me: in 15 minutes the hair and makeup team will come to my room

Tae: why are you still awake then?

Me: I was making a few songs.i finished two cause I am quite...emotionally imaginative right now...but the last one ..well

Tae: well what?

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