chat 13) leaving for the tour

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me: okay guys, so is everything packed and prepared?

everyone says yes

me: does everyone have passports, tickets and everything that you personally need?

everyone nods.

today, my staff were leaving for the united kingdom, i am leaving on later today at night, to go to the united states. i  wanted to give them all a treat so i paid for their hotel and they get to choose what they want to do .

i waved goodbye and they all left the meeting room, heading off to the united basic staff such as head stylists and security teams were staying with me until thursday when we arrive in the united kingdom(we ar going to the united states before hand)

i spent half an hour getting ready for my meeting with a few YouTubers.honestley ,variety shows are scripted and generic(but i am still going on a few tomorrow), i want to meet some people that i actually look up to and want to meet.

the first was in a dog café(the one jungkook went to),i was taking snow with me and i was meeting up with "Terry TV".we sat on a patio table and we began the interview.

terry: hello guys, so today me and my dog "max" are here with diamond andher dog "snow"

me: hello. snow ,wave

snow waved to the camera and i rubbed her belly as a reward

terry : my dog doesn't even listen to mess i won't even bother.

i laughed .

terry: okay guys, so today we are in a dog café in gangnam,some of you may recognise the background and this is because jungkook came here on a variety show.i choose to come here today and i will be interviewing diamond about her dog.

me: yay, lets goo

terry: okay so to start off,introduce your dog to us.

me: umm, so my beautiful gorgeous princess is a white tea cup pomeranian ,she is a female and i called her snow(cause of her fur).umm she is only around one year old in human years. 

terry: oh wow, she is gorgeous.i can tell you love her.

me: yeah, she is amazing.

i looked down and snow was beginning to fall asleep in my arms

terry: do you walk her personally or does someone do it for you?

me: she lives with me, so i  mostly walk her in the gardens.but sometimes my friends will take her out, when they come over.

terry: so your are going on tour soon, will snow be staying with someone? 

me: no snow will come with me.i dont want to bother anyone so i am just taking her with me,plus i will miss her too much.

terry: ahhh, will she be at your concerts? won't that bother her ears, cause of the fireworks?

me: she will have protection, and she will probably be with some of my other staff as i perform.but we have ensured that there is way that she can come, without getting injured.

terry: who will walk her on tour?

i laughed, if i say the truth ,fans will stalk me.if i lie, i might get caught lying

me: well, when we are at interviews and promotional events, i will be taking her with me and all that walking in and out and around of the buildings will be good for her.but in the mornings' have planned for to go round the parks ,so i hope she will have fun doing this kind walk tour of parks

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