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Don't think. It complicates things. Just feel, and if it feels like home, follow its path.

- R. M. Drake -


"Kate, Kate can you hear me? Please open your eyes for me?"

I couldn't.

My eyes were heavy like someone had placed a large boulder on top of them. My head, painfully, felt like it was on fire.

I lifted my hand in an attempt to rub where it hurt, and I heard someone running out of the room.

Did I scare the person?

Moments later, I heard footsteps approaching. This time, someone touched my forehead and asked me to open my eyes.

I did.

The first thing I saw were harsh lights blinding me. I used my hand to shield my eyes from the light and the person realized it, immediately dimming the lights.

Now, that's better.

Then came that smell, the one present only in hospitals.

Why am I smelling that? Am I in a hospital?

My eyes shot open and I took in my surroundings. A tube attached to my arm, an armchair beside me, a bunch of flowers, and a beaming Allie on the other side.

"I'm so glad you are awake!" She came to hug me and I winced when she touched my wounds accidentally.
"I'm sorry. I just wanted my best friend back again, don't you ever do that to me! I almost had a heart attack."


"Where is-"

"Oh, he's right next to you." When I frowned in confusion, she removed that small curtain separating one bed from the other, and I saw my Adam. A smile crept onto my face immediately.

"He was awake a few hours before you, they checked on him and gave him to pills to sleep."

"Thank you. I don't know what I would have done if you weren't here with me. Speaking of which, how did we get here?"

"When I told you I had everything under control before you left, I did. Remember how we decided you would call me within two hours of reaching the cabin? When you didn't I started to get worried. Then I called Steve just out of curiosity, and he just shouted at me on the phone. I got curios. I knew something was wrong. I had to search for answers."

"I took the risk of calling the cops and directed them to where you were. I was ready to get your scolds if I happened to interrupt you. But when we got there, we saw Steve and Gladys sneaking out. The police took care of the rest."

I reached out and grabbed her hand which was warm and comforting. She squeezed my hands in reassurance. I loved how we understood each other without speaking.

"How are you feeling?" She finally asked. I could tell her had been holding it in from the way she was biting her lips.

"Well, my head is pounding, I am tired and sleepy." I yawned to confirm.

It must be the pills.

"Rest my friend, we have time to discuss everything."


Who said doing makeup yourself was easy?

I had been sitting here for like an hour, the damn mascara and everything were not giving the results I wanted.

If only Allie was here, she would have dealt with this in a matter of seconds. I trusted her when it came to these kind of things. She called them «essential for attraction».

Well, I didn't want to attract anyone. I had Adam beside me. Our life had been like a fairytale ever since we got out of the hospital.

We took turns to take care of each other and nursed each other's wounds which mostly resulted in lovemaking.

It had been two months since that eventful day.

Steve and Gladys were in prison for attempted murder and fraud. My parents after hearing this were stunned and disappointed, and I didn't waste time to present Adam to them, whom they took time to accept.

"So as to avoid repeating the same mistakes." My mom had mentioned.

While me on the other hand, I was going to open my new branch in Cuba. My business was booming and as for my relationship with Adam, we were planning to get married when we returned from Cuba.

Even though we are already husband and wife in real life.

"Do you want some help?" Adam's face came in view in the mirror as he stood behind me, hands in his pants' pockets looking like a sex god.

"I would have said yes if it was someone who knew how to do these things."

"But I like you like that, no makeup. Just a simple girl, correction, woman who knows how to make me crave for more."

"Thanks for the compliments, but I have to look presentable." I pouted and he took my hands urging me to stand up.

"If it was possible, we would have stayed here and Marisa would have represented us. But sadly, you have to be there. And who said anything about looking presentable, are you the one they are going to buy? This is also advantageous because I will not have to break every male's nose who will manage to glance at you, even slightly."


"Alright, alright. Let's get going and get done with this. Then in the next couple of days, I want you to be mine, legally." He said pecking my lips as he got out.

It was like a dream.

My life which was a nightmare, filled with tears and hopelessness had transformed into a fairytale.

I learned that sometimes things become possible if we want them bad enough. And my wishes had been granted to me. We no longer had to go back in the past to relive things, we were heading towards the future, to continue them.



Head over to the Q&A of your characters.

Ask any questions you want to anyone and he/ she will respond to his or her own. And also there is a trailer 🥳🥳🥳.

Much love 🧡


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