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You must be still in the midst of activity and be vibrantly alive in repose.

-Indira Gandhi-


Allie arrived 2 hours, 45 minutes and 30 seconds later.

And yes, I counted because I needed someone to help me.

I needed someone whom I could tell all my worries and insecurities without fearing that it may cause harm. And Allie was that person.

Steve never came back after accompanying my parents. Maybe that was favorable instead of being in here with him. Why was I even obeying not to go out?

Oh yes, he threatened me and I don't want to know what he could do to make me stay here.

I was brought back by the doorbell. I got up hastily, knocking anything on my way to open the door.

"Hey baby, how are-what happened?"

"Is that obvious?" I said, closing the door behind her and leading her to the living room.

"You look like hell! Is this because of that husband of yours?" She sat down plopping one leg over another, a habit she had ever since I knew her. I sat down beside her, thinking of where to start.

"Allie, things have been so complicated lately that I want to wake up from this nightmare badly." She looked at me expecting to hear more and I sighed heavily before I got up and went to the window.

"Oh my God Kate, is it that bad? Look if you are not ready to tell me this, I can wait..."

"No, no Allie, I need to do this. Otherwise, I will explode and I really need to let it out."

"Okay, come here." She said embracing me in a bear hug soothing me. Before I knew it, I was sobbing. We sat down and she offered me a glass of water.

"I'm sorry that you had to see me like this."

"Do you think I'm concerned about that? I want to know what is making you break down like that. I have never seen you like that."

"It is true. I haven't cried in forever." I wiped the tears, took a deep breath and told her.

I told her everything from the time Steve started raping me, the awkward moments with Adam, the visit to his mother and then finally, the way Steve confronted me when my parents came to visit.

Then I felt peaceful like a load was taken off my shoulder. Allie, after hearing this, looked thoughtful like she was thinking of the right words to say.

"You know I am always here for you and I only want the best for you, right?" I nodded and she continued, "You must leave. This is the only solution right now."

"But that would be like running away from my problems when I have to face them! And who knows what Steve will do when he realizes that I had escaped."

"You will never get anywhere thinking like that, worrying about what Steve is going to think or do. This is your life girl, you gotta drive it however you want."

"Uh, I don't know, Allie. I think I should probably talk to him." I said and she snorted shaking her head muttering 'you never listen'.

I ignored it and changed the subject to her, "Let's stop about me, how have you been?" She looked down, fidgeted with her fingers and that was enough to get my attention.

It must be something related to Nathan.

"I made a mistake. I don't know how or when it happened, but I think I'm in love with Nathan."

"Oh my gosh Allie, you told me it was a one night stand! When did it change?"

"Sometimes you can't control some things, they just come out of nowhere and you can't stop them."

"Is Nathan aware of this?"

"Dunno, but I haven't told him anything yet."

"Well, my friend, life ain't easy."

We got comfortable in the couch, put our legs on coffee table and we both sighed, each of us drifting in thoughts.

A smile crept on my face when I remembered the encounter with Adam's mom. The woman is such an angel, she shouldn't be suffering alone in that hospital. I felt something vibrating and I ignored it until I realized it was my phone.

I grabbed it from the table and answered it.

"Kate." That voice I could recognize from anywhere.

I cleared my throat to mask any strain in my voice and answered him, "Hi, how are things on that side?" I was not ready to share anything with him yet.

"Why? What's wrong on that side?" He asked.

With a defeated sigh, I told him, "Things got complicated. I don't know how he found out, but Steve is aware of our relationship and he has forbidden me to go out of the house."

"But he has no right to do that after..."

"After what Adam, what else did he do?"

Did he threaten him also? Oh God, when is this going to end?

Instead of answering, he said, "We have to meet as soon as possible and I will tell you everything you want to know but you have to hurry, time is running out."

"You are scaring me, Adam what is wrong? What will happen if he finds out? I don't want to make him angry anymore. Who knows what will happen when he returns."

I know I was panicking for no reason, but I could not calm myself down. Steve could do anything. He was even capable of killing.

"Trust me, when you know what he has been doing behind your back, you will be glad that you left. Meet me at the cabin as soon as possible and I will answer all your questions."

That was the thing about Adam, he never left room for argument or choices. It was either you take or you take it. End of story.

I considered it for a moment and realized that he was right. To quench my curiosity, I had to go there, "Fine. I'm leaving, I will meet you then."

Thereafter, I turned to Allie to find her smiling devilishly.


"You are definitely going." At that she went into the bedroom and started packing my things.

Did I even tell her that I was going to spend the night? She never ceased to amaze me.


And another one.
Happy reads :)

It is with grief that I announce that before the short ends, there are only two chapters left. 🥺🥺🥺

Should I feel sad or glad. I don't know because this always happens to me even when a movie ends.

So anyway, see you next time as we wrap up the story.

Much love 🧡


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