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Everything that I understand, I understand only because I love.

- Leo Tolstoy -


I was supposed to go home after lunch.

But here I was in the passenger seat of Adam's car. He had convinced me to go somewhere with him, claiming that he had a surprise for me.

More like, someone he wanted me to meet.

We were sitting in a comfortable silence as he drove the car. Then I found myself checking him out.

I mean, who wouldn't?

His face was serious, straight nose, high cheek bones and lips which were in a straight line. Sometimes his Adam's apple would bob up and down when he would swallow. He looked like he was deep in thought. Having gotten my fill, I looked out of the window and sighed.

I instantly smiled when I pictured myself with Adam without fearing that someone would see us or that we were committing a sin.

In my vision, we were sitting on the beach nearby our summer house, watching the sunset in each other's arms. We were laughing at how we had one hell of a twisted relationship. But it turned into something beautiful because just then, Anna, our beautiful five year old daughter came running towards us announcing that she had caught a fish. We immediately made room for her as she jumped in her father's arms, giggling. Watching them laughing like that brought a smile to my face.

"Can I be enlightened as to what is making you smile like that?" Adam's voice cut my imaginations short. I turned to him seeing that he was now grinning.

"I was day dreaming." I was not ready to share my dreams with him yet.

"I know that. But what were you dreaming about?"

"It's my secret." He immediately pouted and I tilted my head back, laughing. To see a grown man acting like a child was hilarious.

When I managed to catch my breath, I saw that he had stopped the car and he was staring at me. I shifted uncomfortably.

"How I wish I could always be the one to make you laugh like that." He remarked with a sad face. I reached out to lace my soft fingers with his hard ones.

"You wouldn't want to spoil this day with that sad face, would you?" I tried to enlighten the mood and he smiled bringing my hands to his lips and kissed them.

Then we continued the journey, our hands still intertwined.

We reached the place which looked like a hospital. I was starting to wonder if he was going to tell me that he had some kind of incurable disease, until I saw Charity Mental Hospital written on the top of the building.

He parked the car in the parking lot and we got out. I followed him as he entered the hospital. He talked to one of the doctors who directed him somewhere and he motioned me to follow him.

We got into the elevator and Adam pressed the 5 button, seconds later we found ourselves in a white corridor. And by white, I mean everything. The ceiling, the floor, the walls, everything.

As we walked in the corridor, he stopped at room No. 45 and entered. I didn't go in immediately, I stayed behind for some reason unknown to me as I watched through the gap he had created by opening the door.

In the middle of that room was a bed but the owner was not on it. Instead she was sitting on a nearby couch reading a book. When she saw Adam, her eyes lit up and she got up to embrace him in a tight hug.

The woman looked like someone in her mid-thirties, she was wearing a pale yellow dress and sandals. Probably because of being in a hospital for long, she looked tired and weak.

When they parted ways, she grabbed his face like she was in disbelief that he was actually there.

Who was this?

My question was immediately answered when she whispered 'my son'.

Then the realization hit me. Of course, they had something similar. Their eyes had the same color and when she smiled, it was the same way he smiled.

"Mom, how have you been?"

"Aside from those annoying nurses and doctors, I spend my time reading this amazing book you sent." She said, handing him the famous book. All that time, I was standing at the door.

Then Adam looked at me and said, "Mom, this is Kate. She is here to visit you."

"Oh! Do I know her?" She said approaching me, more like inspecting me.

"No, I believe this is the first time we've meet." I said offering her my hand to shake.

She glanced at Adam as if asking for permission and only after he nodded, she shook my hand. Her hand was so delicate. I saw her smiling at me, so I returned the kind gesture.

"Do you want to keep me company while I read this delightful book?" With nothing else to do I nodded and she smiled happily.

Time to get to know Adam's mother.

I sat down with her and she started reading the book to me. Soon after Adam announced that he was going to see the doctor, giving us some time alone.


"Why are you leaving me? You said that we were going to work this out and be finally happy together, why did you change your mind?"

I watched how she became animated every time she said the character's words, like she was the one in the book. I had come to like this woman because she did not hide her true self or her feelings unlike some people in this world.

She paused and looked at me, catching me completely off guard by the question she asked, "Do you love my son?"

I had not thought about it to be honest. I was still trying to figure out my feelings towards him and I was yet to find my answer.

Was it is just a crush from a long time ago or was it is something more?

"No, don't answer. I know the answer already."

"Really? How so?"

"Even though I'm in this hospital, I still have my eyes. I can see how you smile when I mention his name and how you are trying to get along with me for him." I blushed.

Was I really showing all of that?

"And to be honest." She continued, "I like you more than Gladys."

Oh God!

"I noticed how you don't close yourself up. You say what you have in your mind."

When did she come to such a conclusion?

"That's really good to know." Came Adam's voice startling us.

"How long have you been standing there young man?" She scolded.

"Long enough to hear that you liked my surprise. I actually came here to present to you the woman I love." I was dumbstruck.


"I knew it! And I am so happy, finally my son found someone!"

This day couldn't get any better. 


Long time right?

If you are seeing this, it means that you are reading the revised version of this book. To be honest, I haven't hanged a lot of thing. Just corrected some grammatical errors and added some details to the plot.

So I hope you enjoy!!!

Much love 🧡


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