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It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.

  - Alfred, Lord Tennyson -


To celebrate my success, Allie took us to this Italian restaurant. It was brightly lit with chandeliers that hung above every damn table.

This light was blinding me!

"Allie, was it necessary for you to bring us to this place? I feel out of place!" I whispered.

"Better get used to it because this is where you will be having lunches and dinners with investors and customers."

"I'm so not ready for this."

"Come on chill out! This is where you belong from now on."

We sat at the isolated corner table and immediately a waiter came to ask for our orders.

"Good evening! What can I get you?" He asked bowing his head.

I must say that these people are highly trained.

"Uh, I will go with co-"

"We will have the best wine you have, sir." Allie said cutting me off. I was going to order a cocktail and most importantly I had no plans to get drunk tonight.

"So, have you ordered?" Adam asked after putting his phone down.

Finally! Not that I wanted his attention, anyway. It always ended badly.

He had been on his phone since the moment we left the show. Maybe he was talking to Gladys.

"Uh, can Nathan join us? We have something to discuss." Immediately Allie tensed behind me and I was eager to see how she would act in front of the guy she slept with not so long ago.

"Sure. Allie, is it okay with you?" I asked and she instantly gave me a look that meant I'm-gonna-kill-you.

Nathan arrived 20 minutes later dressed in an elegant tuxedo with matching shoes and I could swear that Allie was reacting the same way all the other women at the restaurant. True to my words, when I glanced at her, her mouth was open and eyes were wide, ready to pop out from her skull.

"Allie, control yourself." I whispered.

"This is all your fault." Before I could respond to her, Nathan reached our table and greeted us. I did not know if it was good or bad luck, because Nathan sat next to her.

Adam and Nathan were the only ones chatting while Allie kept shooting death glares at me and I shrugged innocently. Adam's phone rang and he excused himself after telling us that it was his assistant, clearly annoyed with the interruption. I took the opportunity to go to the bathroom leaving Allie alone with Nathan.

After easing myself due to the excess of wine in my system, I washed my hands and was reapplying my makeup when a group of women surrounded me asking me for autographs.

It took me a good 10 minutes to detangle myself from them after which I returned to the table catching Allie and Nathan in a rather awkward moment. He was leaning towards Allie, crowding her personal space and I could see Allie's chest rising and falling rapidly.

I swear these two have history.

In that moment Adam came back and they resumed their positions acting like nothing happened. Even though, literally nothing happened.

"I think it's pretty late." Allie said as soon as she saw me.

"Uh, that fast?" I was about to say but Nathan beat me to it. Allie glanced at him and let out a sigh. I really wanted to know what was going on in that small head of hers.

"Alright, let's leave." Adam said calling the waiter for payment.

Allie and I were the first to go out, I grabbed her arm and pulled her into a dark corner as soon as we reached outside.

"What was going on in there?"

"Nothing." She lied.

"Don't give me that. I saw everything."

"Then why are you asking if you saw everything?" She shot back.


"Okay, he was reminding me of our last night together."

"How many nights did you have together?"

"Jesus Kate, I told you it was a one night stand! Nothing happened again."

"If you say so. But I want details tomorrow because today you look like you haven't slept in a week." I said as Adam and Nathan came out.

Adam and I left Nathan and Allie alone once again.

When I was seated comfortably in Adam's car I felt my head swirling. I had strayed beyond my limit of alcohol. Upon reaching our room, I removed my heels and went to the kitchen.

Suddenly I was hungry again.

I sat on one of the stool next to the kitchen counter and grabbed some cherries which were on the table. I took one in my mouth and moaned in pleasure.

How I needed something sweet in my mouth!

"Don't do that." Adam said suddenly from behind me.

I turned to look at him and he had the same dark expression he had last night when he saw me in a towel, "Do what?"

"Make me want to make you mine right now."

"And do you?" I could not tell if it was the drunken or sober Kate talking.

"Don't tempt me, sweetheart." To make him even more miserable I took another cheery. I put it in my mouth and moaned again.

Before I knew it he slammed his lips onto mine, they tasted like wine. He claimed my mouth possessively, tasting and devouring me. He hoisted me onto the counter and skillfully gained access to my mouth. I kissed him back with the same intensity, I was just as hungry as he was.

He placed one hand behind my neck while the other started to explore my body. He traced my jaw and neckline with his hands and lips as I wrapped my legs around him for support.

Damn, he knew how to make me want more.

I traced his broad shoulders and abs as his lips sucked me on the soft spot behind my ear.

I was going to come any second now.

And then his phone rang.

Way to ruin the moment.

Reluctantly, he released me and went to answer it. Immediately I headed to the bathroom in need for a cold shower.


Heyyy! I can literally see you disappointed faces right now 😂😂😂

How was the chapter? Steamy right?
So, don't be disappointed because things didn't happen. I mean it would be fast right? 😅

Keep up with the next chapters to find out more.



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