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Facts are stubborn things; and whatever maybe our wishes,our inclinations, or the dictates of passions, they cannot alter the state of facts or evidence.

- John Adams -


When I got home all I wanted to do was sleep and erase the events that had transpired during the day, unfortunately, Steve had other plans. He wanted me to narrate everything to him.

"How was it?" He asked with excitement.

"Not now, please I'm so exhausted!" I tried to dismiss him but he continued.

"Come on, how come when you only talked till lunch?"

"Yes, we did a lot that made me tired."

"Like what exactly?" His tone became serious, I could smell the alcohol in his breath.

Okay, maybe that sounded bad.

"Business stuff, what else are you thinking?" I responded plainly.

"Don't lie to me!" The jealousy in his voice was unfathomable.

"Seriously, Steve what are you-"

"Do you think I didn't notice how you two were eyeing each other?" He roared.

"Steve, calm down. You are completely mistaken-"

Suddenly my words were interjected as a brutal slap collided against my face. I fell to the floor, clutching my jaw as tears began to stream down my cheeks.

"Don't take me for a fool I'm not stupid." He said through gritted teeth.

"S-seriously, it's not w-what you think." I stuttered, wincing at the pain.

"Shut up!" He yelled before yanking me from the floor pushing me harshly against the kitchen counter, "Y-you are h-hurting me." I choked out, trying to break free from his firm grip.

He ignored my plea, overtaken by anger and intoxicated by the alcohol. All of a sudden he ripped open my blouse, making me gasp.

"You're mine! You hear that? Nobody else's!" He said as he tore the fabric of my skirt.

I was no match for him. I just sat there bewildered and frightened. I just could not believe that he was going to rape me.

I watched him with blurry eyes as he removed his clothes. He lifted me up against the wall, violently fulfilling his desires. His eyes were enflamed with fury as he pleasured himself.

That night I could not even lift myself off the ground, when he was finished he dragged himself to the bed to sleep but I just sat there with tears silently sliding down my cheeks as I heard him snoring.

I had never imagined that this was how my marriage was going to end up, when we were taking our vows to be together through thick and thin, I could have never imagined the situation I was in.

I sulked on the kitchen floor until I noticed the morning sun starting to rise, hues of orange peeking through the clouds brightening the darkness. Finally, I went to shower where I cried my heart out.

Two hours later, I was ready to go to work. I did not even bother checking if he was awake nor did I have breakfast, instead I just grabbed my things and rushed out of the house.

Just as I stepped out the door I bumped into a hard chest. When I looked up ready to tell the stranger to watch where he was going, I was met with a familiar pair of eyes, making it hard for me to utter a word. Adam stared at me with his captivating eyes, supporting me to prevent me from falling down. I just gaped at him; speechless.

"It seems you have a habit of becoming clumsy with me." He remarked with a smile which did its work down my body.

"I'm sorry. What brings you here so early in the morning?" I said stepping back and terrified that Steve would wake up any minute now.

"I have an invitation from my wife. She wants you and your husband to come to our beach house this weekend."

"Oh, I don't know..." I mumbled.

"Oh, sure. We will be there." Steve suddenly said which made us both glance back at him. He stood with a towel wrapped carelessly around his waist.

God, did he have to show the whole world that something happened to us last night?

"Okay, we'll be expecting you. Sorry for the intrusion. See you tomorrow." Adam said.

"Wouldn't it be great?" Steve asked as he grabbed my arms and forcefully brought his lips to mine, clearly putting on a show for Adam.

When Adam was out of sight, I pushed Steve off and exited the apartment. I was getting impatient to leave and erase all the horrible memories from last night. I tapped my foot, hoping the elevator would speed up. Just as I was about to exit the building, I spotted Adam.

This is not my lucky day.

"Are you in a rush?" He asked, staring at me.

"Yes, just got up late."

When I felt his fingers tracing my jaw, I froze.

"Why do have a bruise?" He questioned me.

Oh shit, I forgot to hide that.

"I slipped in the bathroom." I lied hoping that he would buy it but who was I kidding.

"It looks like someone's hand." He said seriously.

Of course, it does!

"No. Of course not." I said rushing towards my car, not wanting to hear his next words. I twisted the key in the ignition but the car would not start.

Uh, not my day.

"Need help?" Adam's face popped outside my window. I had no other choice but to admit it because I really needed to get to work.

"Yes, could you please take me to work?"

"With pleasure." He said, opening the passenger door of his car for me.

Instantly, my nostrils were greeted by the scent of his cologne.

He had not changed his Cologne.

I could remember it so vividly even after all those years. I found myself wondering whether it was a good idea to accept Adam's ride, luckily, I saw Marisa waiting on the sidewalk outside the shop, waiting for me to open the main door.

"Thanks for the ride." I said smiling at him as a sign of gratitude.

"Anytime, have a good day." He said as he leaned in to kiss my cheek, his lips lingering there longer than usual which made my breath hitch.

Immediately, I clutched my purse, "You too." I said, bolting out of his car. He flashed me his signature smile which caused my insides to melt. As his car sped off I noticed Steve's car parked on the far corner.


Hi there!

I know most of you want to kill Steve right now believe me I also want the same but he is not going anywhere just yet😌. He is still around.
Anyway stay tuned for the next chapters

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Happy reads:)


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