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You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.

- John Bunyan -


My head was filled with questions.

When I reached there, I paid the cab and followed the trail of trees leading me to the cabin.

The door was closed, or so I thought because Adam opened it a few seconds later, coming out. He looked awful, like he hadn't slept in days.

He opened his arms for me and I went in immediately, smelling his cologne.

I missed this.

"Thank God you arrived safely." He muttered holding me tighter.

"What's happening Adam? You are scaring me!" He released me and looked in my eyes for a moment before he pulled me inside.

"Do you want something to eat or drink?" I knew he was avoiding the subject so I shook my head, waiting for him to speak.

He grabbed a chair nearby and sat down beside me. He ran a hand through his hair and spoke, "What would you say if you and I went on a vacation?"

"What for? I don't understand."

"Because it is not a good idea to continue staying here after...Okay, Gladys and Steve were planning something..."

"Wait, how can they even work together? They barely know each other!"

"That's where you are wrong. They know each other longer than we thought because I caught Gladys talking to him about a plan they were planning to fulfill. And by being here we ruined it, that's why I'm telling you, we should go before..."

"Not so fast, lovebirds." To my horror, there in the doorway, stood Steve and Gladys.

Wait isn't she supposed to be in a wheelchair?

Everything happened so fast.

Adam tried to stand up but Steve reacted quickly and pointed a gun at him. Then I understood things were getting serious.

Using slow strides, Steve came up to us smiling devilishly so that neither of us could move nor grab a phone.

"What do you suggest we do to them, baby?"


"We will use Kate for him to sign." She approached holding a sort of document in her hands. I was confused.

"You thought it would end just like that? No, my dear husband, the only way to get out of here alive is to sign these papers." She said to Adam, "You wanted to read before signing, well now you have. The next thing to do is put your signature down here." She continued and I looked at them, perplexed.

Adam looked at them like he wanted to kill them. But Steve had a gun pressed to his temple.

"Oh, so our dear Kate here is not understanding what is going on! We will try to explain in the little time we have." She grabbed my hair making me flinch and came to my ears as if to whisper, but she talked loud enough for Adam to hear.

"You know, me and your supposed husband are legally married. Surprise. Both our marriages were planned. Ours was a plan to get Adam's money so that we would be able to get out of poverty and yours was just a distraction so no one would suspect anything."

It took a minute for me to register everything in my head, but then I remembered something.

"If all of it was a joke or a plan as you say, then why did you rape me?" I was addressing Steve.

Adam froze and Gladys got furious.

"What?! You slept with her? We agreed that there would be no sexual relationships."

"I-It happened as an impulse..." Steve stuttered.

"An impulse? Does that involve the second time?" I challenged.

"I swear you are not getting out of here alive." Adam threatened suddenly standing up and throwing the gun across the floor, grabbing Steve's collar.

Gladys on the other hand looked too shocked to even say a word. When she snapped back, she took all her frustrations out on me.

But I defended myself. Each tug of hers on my hair, I returned more forcefully.

Steve and Adam, on the other hand, were busy bruising each other's faces with punches.

Everything was in chaos, until we heard a gunshot. We all froze.

Steve was on top of Adam, both holding the gun. It was impossible to perceive who shot who. Suddenly, Steve got up, leaving Adam on the floor, clutching where he was shot.

I ran quickly to where he was. I was a mess, sobbing and at the same time soothing him. He could not leave me. Not when I just found him, the man I had always wished for.

The man who managed to make my days brighter with simple actions. The one I had secretly loved since forever.

I gathered him in my arms, my tears falling on his face.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere yet. Nothing is going happen to me." He tried to reassure me but every word he spoke proved that he was having difficulty in breathing.

I need to call for help.

Just as I was about to get up, we heard a police siren. Gladys and Steve looked at each other alarmed.

"Who the fuck called the cops?" Steve shouted.

I no longer cared about their presence. All I wanted was to find the phone and call an ambulance.

I searched for my purse and I found it easily on the couch. I took it out with frantic hands and dialed 911. Gladys however, had other plans.

As soon as I put the phone on my ear, she snatched it, "You are not calling anyone."

"There is a man here who needs to go to the hospit-."

"We can't let you get away with this." Before I had a chance to interpret what she just said, something hard hit my head with so much force that I blacked out.


Ladies and gentlemen, prepare for the finale of IWTGB!!!

Let me just end here, we will rant in the next final chapter.

Much love 🧡


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