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Remember that life is not measured in hours but in accomplishments.

-James Spike -


Third person's POV

Two days earlier

Gladys was reading the latest news in the magazine which she held in her hands with her elegantly manicured nails. This was what she always did whenever she felt bored and has no one to gossip with. Then her phone rang.

"Took you long enough. I was bored!"

"I told you I was gathering information. By the way, I'm at your doorstep right now, come and open the door for me." At that she got up excitedly and rushed to open the door.

Steve entered immediately, hugging Gladys. He was about to kiss her when she stopped him, "Calm down boy, the maids might see!"

"Then let's get out of here because I've missed you."

"And where are you taking me?"

"I suggest we go to our trip for the next two days."

"It sounds good and tempting. Let me go prepare my things." She disappeared in her bedroom.

"You don't need anything because I prefer you naked anyways!" Steve called out.

That night they enjoyed at Steve's apartment, having dinner that they ordered. They were cuddling each other, one feeding the other like a married couple.

"What are we going to do with Adam and Kate? What we had planned will be ruined if they get back together."

"I don't want to talk about them now. This is the only time we have alone, so let's profit it to the maximum." He said flipping them so that he was on top of Gladys.

"You have a point." She said bringing his head down to meet her lips which were already parted, ready to meet his. They kissed hungrily as they removed their clothes and made love.


Later that night Steve got a phone call. He grabbed his boxers which were scattered on the carpet and put them on.

"Do you have news?" Steve asked.

"Yes. I just called my informant and he said that Adam and Kate were staying in the same room at the hotel." Steve suddenly got furious and he clenched his hands in a tight fist.

"Is that all?"

"She won the competition sir, and they will be back tomorrow."

"Thank you for that, you will get your part tomorrow." Steve hung up to realize that Gladys was awake, only covered in a blanket.

"Who was that?"

"It was my informant. He told me that Adam and Kate were sharing the same room. Meaning that you have to act quickly before everything falls."

"You are acting as if it's my fault that they're together. Of all the girls you could get yourself temporarily, why did she have to be related to Adam?"

"Why did we even agree to do this? We could have been a happily married couple!" Steve yelled.

"Yes, until you got that fucking loan!"

"Okay, I get it and now that you mention it I'm going to threaten Kate to leave him and you get Adam to sign those papers." Steve said.

"I will do what I can, but it will have to wait until he comes back." Gladys replied.

But Adam and Kate didn't return that day as they were supposed to.

Steve called his informant again to ask for news and he learnt that the informant had followed them when he saw that they didn't go home as planned. He also mentioned the cabin where they spent the night.

To calm himself, Steve went to the bar. 


It was so short 🥺
But I had to give you this before I got into some editing. To answer your questions regarding Steve and Gladys.

And as I have already mentioned, this is slowly approaching the end. After all you already know everything right?

Much love 🧡


Guilty Love |COMPLETED|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt