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Happiness doesn't depend upon on who you are or what you have; it depends solely upon what you think.

- Dale Carnegie -


The sound of something breaking woke me up the next morning. At first I thought I was dreaming but when the crashes continued. I wrapped myself in a black robe and went to see what was going on.

When I reached the living room, I met broken vases, plates, paintings and glasses. It was not a thief so it was surely Steve. I glanced to where he was sleeping last night and he was nowhere to be found. But I spotted him in the kitchen talking on the phone.

More like barking at it.

"Do the fucking job I told you and I want no mistakes." He gave the order and hung up.

"Who are you talking to like that?" He froze before turning around to me.

"Well, look who decided to come back! Did you have fun?"

"Don't use another question to answer me. Who are you ordering?"

"That's none of your business." He shot back.

That was when I noticed his eyes. They were bloodshot with dark circles hanging under them, it was like he had not slept in a week. His hair was disheveled and his clothes were wrinkled.

"Very well. Then what do isn't your concern either. And if you have nothing else to do, stop interrupting my sleep because unlike you, I need to rest."

I went to the kitchen to get a glass water when I heard the door slam indicating that he had left. I sighed heavily. I was going to have to clean this mess up.

I started picking up the broken shards one by one until something caught my eye. A crystal blue earring.

Whose is this? Is he cheating on me? Like I is some kind of saint!

I finished cleaning up the place and I prepared myself for work. It was now 9:00 a.m., three more hours to go.


One of the disadvantages of being self-employed was that all the things your business needs are on your head, whether you like it or not.

I had been calling Fariz non-stop and he had not answered any of my calls.

Why did I decide to get one supplier again?

"Ma'am, we have fifty more customers who have already bought the goods and are waiting for delivery." Marisa said as if that would solve our problem.

"Right now, the problem is that Fariz who is not picking up his-" My phone rang and miraculously, it was him.

"Where the heck were you all this time?"

"Hello to you too. I'm fine, thank you."

"Cut the chat and get me my goods right fucking now!"

"Jesus woman, calm your hormones. Last night, my wife gave birth to a boy. That is why I haven't been able to reply to you soon."

"Oh my God, I'm sorry. Congratulations!"

"Thank you, dear! Now about business, since when did you start to order five times more?

"Since my business started to grow after I won the competition."

"Wow! Congrats girl, I'll send the goods tomorrow."

With everything resolved, I went to the restaurant which Adam had sent me the address of a few minutes ago. I arrived twenty minutes later and he was already there.

I walked up to him as he raised his eyes to meet mine. They were sad and troubled just as I was. When I reached the table, he got up and pulled a chair for me to sit down.

"How are you?" He started.

"As good as I can be. How is Gladys?" His face immediately changed as he sipped the coffee he had ordered.

"She is going to be in a wheelchair for the time being." He said and even the tiniest hope I had of being with him, fell.

"I guess this is a sign that we should stop..."

"Don't. Don't finish that sentence because that is not why I came here. On the contrary, I came here to tell you that I'm not giving up on us."

Why is he making this more difficult?

"That's the problem Adam. There is no us."

"That was before we had that night."

"Do you realize that you want us to break our marriages for this to work out?"

"I am aware of that and I know that you want the same." He said reaching out to take my hands in his giving me a heart melting smile.

"What makes you so sure?"

"I'm very sure that Steve or any other man, will never be able to make you feel like I did." Normally, that would have made me mad, but instead I was smiling like an idiot because he was right. No one had ever managed to give me those amazing orgasms.

"Oh! So, you were that observant?"

"Yes. And you know what else?"


"If you don't stop looking at me like that, I won't hesitate to take you on this table." And then, I was blushing like a high school girl.

"Then I must go, to avoid such immature behavior from your side." I said getting up reluctantly but before I could leave the table, he caught my arm, pulling me towards him and I found myself sitting on his lap.

"What are y-" His face was in my neck doing all its magic.

"I just wanted to smell you so that I'll be able to sleep. Your perfume is like a drug to me."

"Hold your horses, Adam. I think you've had your fill. Now, it's time for me to go." I dragged myself from his lap and rushed out of the restaurant only to crash into Steve who stood at the entrance.


Oh oh! I smell trouble here. 😑
Did he see them?

Also what do you think is going on with Steve? (someone said he was a psychopath!)🤭

You are about to find out don't miss the next chapter.

Much love 🧡


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