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     Dedicated to every single LDCAT reader with love from my end😘💕

Imma edit this chap later🙂

Luigi's POV

With a yawn, I clasped my hand over my mouth, trudging into the foyer cause I was so tired. I headed to the kitchen for a glass of ice cold water to somehow revive me before going to the other living on the next floor.

Being careful enough not to push any of the big boxes of presents gifted to Zuri that were arranged messily in the living room so they don't come crumbling down, I made my way out and back into the foyer where I took the long af spiral staircase, forgetting I could have used the elevator instead.

Today being Christmas and with every member of both families at home with us this year to celebrate it with us, we decided to surprise Zuri with a baby shower which started at noon and lasted till an hour ago when all the guest left leaving the family members. Aside them, Andre and his wife stayed back with us to help with clearing the place and I'm just back from dropping them at home when his car today of all days decided not to roar to life.

Although the party is over and majority of the things have been cleared, the family is still in the room where we held it and that's where I'm going now. We're all tired af but we can't seem to go back to sleep, they will all leave to Cali in two days so we're enjoying our time together while we can.

I'm happy that they are here, I was kinda sad when they told us we leaving Cali has turned their lives around. It isn't the same anymore, their lives are now boring and they keep missing us everyday so I offered they could come over so we all celebrate this Christmas together as a family after all what better way to enjoy this lovely season than with the ones who matter most to you?

After managing to get my tired ass up the stairs, I walked into the living room with a smile on my face which faded when I saw not even a single soul present in the room scattered with presents which were either wrapped or unwrapped though the room was neat.

As I stood there trying to figure out where they may be, a call came in and I picked it up. Kai informed me they were in the home theater ready to watch films to end the day so I should get drinks from the kitchen as they first movie is about to start.

I rolled my eyes irritatedly after hanging up but went to do what he asked again.

Minutes later, I found myself sitting at the back with Jakira snuggled in my arms while she nuzzled my chest  as we watched the first of the home alone series—movies I've watched but always want to watch and anytime I do, I laugh like I'm doing now. Jakira jerked her head up to stare sleepily at me due to how loud I laughed.

I passed her a smile, muttering a sorry and laid her head back on my chest, rubbing her back to get her to sleep. In the middle of the second movie, I found her fast asleep, light snores coming from her.


Someone whispered from behind me, turning to look at the person, I realized it was father and he had this look on his face that I can't decipher given the dim light in the room but his voice, there was something laced in it.

"Father, is everything alright?" I couldn't help but ask in concern.

"At the moment yes but if you don't do something about what I'm about to say then things will be anything but alright."

"Dad, you're scaring me..tell me what is it?"

"Luigi, you're my son and I know what you're capable of very well but I refuse to believe this, what do you have going on with Tamara?"

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