Book one: Chapter thirty nine.

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Guess what? It's a double update🤸 cause I don't know when I'll be back again💔

I also posted the summary of my other story.. Made for me❤ please check it out too

Luigi's POV

I arrived at Paris's penthouse in less than twenty minutes. I drove like I was insane, my hands gripping the wheel hard as if it was the stalker I wanted to beat badly.

Taking the elevator to her floor, I dialed her number again and it was still the same. Now how do I get inside when they spare key she gave me is nowhere to be found.

Her door wasn't locked like I expected it too, it was ajar. I carefully entered so as to not make any noise for that idiot to hear. I want to pounce on him unexpectedly and beat the hell out of him, make him pay dearly for raising a finger on my best friend- a sister even and hand him over to the cops when I'm tired.

The penthouse was still and eerily quiet. I made my way into the living room and instead of meeting a trashy apartment, it was well organized with fairy lights, candles lit, romantic music and rose petals scattered on the floor and looking like a red carpet all the way from the living up the stair,  into the hallway and in front of Paris's bedroom door that was opened.

I peeped inside expecting too see a trashy room too and a sacred Paris at a gun point but nah, there wasn't anyone in sight and the room mirrored the living room, everything screamed romantic.

Is this some sort of prank? "Paris!" With what I'm seeing I don't think she's in danger. Maybe she was planning this whole thing for her boyfriend and mistakenly called me, but she mentioned my name?

"Paris!" She needs to come out here and explain herself. What's all this? Making me leave Zuri and my growling stomach and drive all the way here like an insane person only to meet this.

Someone pushed me from behind, making me stumble and fall on her bed that was decorated with rose petals. Turning around to see the culprit, it turned out to be no one else than my crazy best friend, Paris.

I unconsciously raked my eyes on her body to see any marks. She was dressed in an red open cup fishnet chemise, red platform heels and her mouth dripping with red lip gloss as she stared down at me and batting her eyelashes.

"Surprise baby boy." She purred at me making me cringe. What the hell is this?

She's sexy alright but not to me, I consider her a sister not someone I can have sexual relations with. "What's all this Paris?" I asked her in a n annoyed tone.

"Don't you love it?" She asked me coming onto the bed, pulling me into her and running her hands down my body and up to my willy amidst licking my neck to my chest. That's gross if I should say.

I pushed her off me, pissed off and disgusted by what she's doing and maintained a reasonable distance between us. "What's wrong with you Paris? Are crazy! Get off me." This is an abomination for loves sake.

"Yes I'm crazy! I'm crazy for you Lui can't you see? I love you, since the time we became friends. I've been having amorous feelings for you and not best friends feelings hell!"

"What?" I opened my mouth in shock by this revelation. Paris loves me? How come? I've never related in a way with her for her to catch such feelings.

"Yeah you never looked at me like you wanted me to be your girl or anything. Your kindness towards me, How you'll cover up my lie, treat me like a princess and fight other boys who mess with me gigs Luigi I had no choice than to fall in love with you. How you held my hands and hugged me if I was ever sad or lonely and how you pampered me."

Love Does Cost A ThingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ