Bonus chapter 1.0🤸🏽‍♀️💕

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No proofread🌚

Luigi's POV

The little girl seemed to have stolen the attention of everyone as she entered the church, scattering the flower petals on the path. They all watched her with smiles adorning their faces in awe and fascination, even I did too, she was simply adorable.

As she passed by the standing guests, her aesthetic black eyes scanned the crowd obviously for a particular people or should I say person when they did find the person, she stopped.


Then her heart warming and fluttering smile widened as she waved excitedly at the person.

All eyes turned in the direction to which the voice was directed at—me. Having the attention of people was my daily routine but for today, specifically now and for a reason I don't know I feel shy having everyone tear their gaze from the soon to be wedded couple to me as they smiled, whispering to themselves.

I raised my hand to wave back my princess who's excited more than the bride and groom. Like who wouldn't when you're wearing this gorgeous dress fit for a princess which looks exactly like that of the bride's and having the all the guests present as they watched you throw flowers to usher the couples into the church and even more when you have your best friend beside you?

Absolutely no one.

My little princess's eyes sparkling as she blew me a kiss which I gleefully caught before going back to throwing the rose petals for the couples to proceed to the altar.

You can say she's a daddy's girl, yeah she definitely is and a drama queen too, for someone her age she's supposed to be docile which she mostly is but during sometimes like now, she refuses to listen and have her own way.

I recall I sweetly told her to pretend I wasn't in the crowd and under no circumstances call me. Today was a very special day in the life of my younger wife and partner in crime, Gwendolyn Cudjoe and my younger cousin, Lorenzo Gianni.

It was such a big day for them, they deserved the spot light but someone how my little daughter managed to steal their attention and dump it all on me even if it was for brief minutes. I still felt embarrassed, she's definitely going to get it from me after this day is over.

Who I'm I kidding?

I'm such a softie when it comes to my kids, it was Jakira, then. Talking about her, I casted a glance to my side and saw her eyes already on me, the sides of her lips quivering to suppress a laugh at my embarrassed state and loss. She opened her palm, stretching it to me. "I told ya."

Groaning, I dug my hand into my pocket and fished out a 50 dollar note which I slapped on her palms in defeat. She smirked, waving it in my face before putting it into her mini bag and throwing in my face my loss. It's our thing to bet on anything..uhm well mostly it's for fun and Jakira proposed we bet and see if Arielle is going to listen to me or the other way round. I was so confident that I increased the twenty dollar bet to fifty and now look at me, I lost to my twelve year old daughter who keeps looking like Zuri every blessed day.

It's surprising how God works in mysterious ways, she's like the younger version of my wife and Arielle is the little version. It's like I have female triplets in different sizes. While Jakira has 2c hair which is so difficult to manage, Arielle has the natural kinky African hair that I'd been so bummed if she didn't get and of course if any of the twins didn't take after their mother's African genes.

That was what I always prayed for, our Gianni blood is very strong, our genes are always dominant so while they were in the womb I prayed to God to grant me a child who's totally African out of the two and my little princes was.

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