Book one: Chapter seventeen

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Luigi's POV

Where is that idiot?
Why is Giuseppe keeping long in checking up on her? Is he trying his flirt pick up lines on her? Or wait, Deandra didn't come. But I told them not to mention my name, stupid workers! They can't do a single job. I refuse to accept she didn't come, I'll be doomed, she's my last hope tonight, the only one I could think of to save me like she has been doing. I trust my best employee not to fail but then again she quit, I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't make it.

I tap my left feet anxiously on the floor as I waited for Giuseppe to inform me if he has seen Deandra and has escorted her inside the venue. I saw that idiotic best friend of mine approaching with a girl who's not his girlfriend beside him with his hands around her waist. I don't get why he still flirts around with people when he's having a girlfriend. Why get a label when there are plenty fishes in the sea, you can choose from and not get stuck with one.That's why I don't do relationships. "Is she here?"

"Yah man she's at the socialite table,you bad you know, you never told me your assistant is this gorgeous. She's one fine piece of artwork, the smooth killer curves and that—"

"Thank you Giuseppe, I'm going to get her." I cut him off rudely. I'm suddenly angry hearing him describe Deandra after getting to gaze at her beauty and body when I've not been able to do so. I should have been the first person to see her unfortunately I was too much of a pussy to do that.

I walked away from them to continue with what they were doing or what they want to do. After much difficulty of evading thirsty girls, I find my way to the table he said Deandra is at.

I found her sitting beside Fia, my eldest sister. Fia was at it again as she pointed with dreamy eyes to the choker on Deandra's neck. I know without hearing what she's asking, she loves the jewelry and would want one. Typical her, always collecting fashion items just to look the best out there and in her reality show.

"Fia will you leave the poor girl alone?" I had to rescue Deandra seeing her at loss for words as she darted her eyes around, searching for something to say.

"Deandra...." all what I had to say was left in my mouth as I stared at her the moment she turned around. My oh my, an angel just descended. Deandra is looking beyond beautiful tonight, the make up did nothing, she was rather adding value to the make up and that white sparkling dress, gosh it has perfectly fitted her and brought out those curves of hers making her look like an angel. No wonder Giuseppe was swooning over her. I'm the luckiest to have her as my date tonight. So mesmerizing.

"YOU!" She screeched at me, visibly angry.

"Lui do you two know each other?" Fia asked looking at me and then at her.

"Yes she's my date."

"What?" Deandra and the Vasquez twins said in unison. The look of disbelief written all over her face and then she looked disappointed like she was expecting someone else.

"I must say bro, you got a stunning date here. I always knew you had good taste in women but tonights is an exception."

"I am lucky to have her, you know how goddesses have been rare these last centuries." I agreed with Fia, Deandra is looking like a goddess, the most beautiful woman alive on this planet. Suddenly, I started feeling remorse for the horrible things I said to her. I need to get her away from here and make amends, I need to tell her how sorry I am and that I will never do that to her again.

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