Book two: Chapter eleven

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Zuri's POV

I wouldn't have gone out to the dinner if I knew the evening was going to turn out like this.

If I knew Lui and I were going to get into a misunderstanding with me being the guilty one, I wouldn't have. I would have just given an excuse for us to stay back at the office or even home where we can watch movies and cuddle on the couch while we munch on pizza and drinks, that one too is counted as a celebration.

Unfortunately, things have ended up like that and they're not going to change even I beg heavens to change the hands of time so I undo every single thing that I did at the restaurant, the harm has already been caused.

I broke down into tears after closing the door to the private room behind me. I was overwhelmed with so much guilt and sadness that I couldn't help but cry like I had just lost a loved one.

I cried, beating myself to it. Everything that happened was my fault even if not entirely and I agree with what Lui said, I had allowed the crazy things going on in my head to cloud my senses.

I had allowed my fears and suspicions get the best of me and now I'm paying for it. The love of my life is out there, angry and feeling disappointed in me and that's not all, I've disgraced him and the whole company.

It breaks my heart the more I think about it and when his face back at our table and in the private room flashes in my mind.

"If only I could undo everything!" I yell at myself, choking on my tears as I stood in front of the bathroom mirror where I was looking for another box of tissue.

I've done nothing but cry ever since I got home and I've emptied a box of tissue, I'm now opening all the doors of the cabinets I have here where I keep my bathroom necessities, in frustration.

I gave up after searching through all of them and not finding any.

Slapping the sink another tear trickled down my cheeks, I didn't bother to wipe it off. There's bound to be more of it for now and the entire night.

Going back into the room, I stepped on the used tissues that I had discarded on the floor and slowly sat on the bed. I reached for my phone from the bed, unlocking it and dialling his number off head.

I decided against it, knowing he was still angry with me and calling him wasn't the best idea but I want just a call, one, so I can apologize to him and set my heart and mind at ease which seem to be on a great turmoil.

And to make peace between us, I hate it so much when we get into a misunderstanding, tempers rise and things become messy. I suffer the most, he's my everything and I can't bear it when he gets angry at me.

I painstakingly typed a text to him, choosing my words carefully and after I was done and reading it, I decided against it and deleted it before tossing the phone somewhere. I have no idea where it landed and I don't care either.

I care about nothing more right now than resolving the misunderstanding between Lui and I.

My phone rang for the first time, I ignored it and continued laying on bed, I don't want to do anything, I don't want to get up from this bed or go out to meet my family who're bound to bombard me with questions because they care.

However, its persistent ringing woke me up from my slumber. I lifted my head off the pillow and sat on the bed then scanned around for my phone.

I remember tossing it somewhere last night when I was wallowing in sadness and guilt. Groaning when I couldn't find it, I almost gave up had it not ring again.

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