Book one: Chapter ten

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Zuri's POV

My alarm went off loudly and annoyingly causing me to jerk up from my sleep and hit my head against my headrest. Stupid alarm clock, I rub my head and hit the clock before turning it off. The pain has made me wide awake, looking at the time, it's 6:00 am. It's past my usual waking up time, was I so tired I slept in?

I leapt out of bed and quickly went into the bathroom to do my morning duty in record time with the hopes of getting to work early. It was when I had finished bathing and dried myself and I was looking for an outfit to wear that I remembered, I quit my job yesterday.

The events of yesterday now became fresh from the time that devil himself pulled that stunt on me to his words and my retaliation and to me going out of his house into the chilly rain and when I passed out in the middle of the street.

I was relieved and scared all together, waking up to musky cologne and arms of a beautiful man in a house that wasn't familiar. I sneezed and clutched my head when he inquired about my health. My head was throbbing with a headache and my nose was blocked, what I get for staying out in the rain.

He introduced himself as Zachary Kai a business tycoon who was on his way from a business trip when he saw me passed out in the rain in the middle of the street. He affectionately lashed out at me not to ever do that again because it wasn't ideal and he had to call a doctor to check up on me to make sure I was okay.

I thanked him for his care and despite my protests, he brought me back home in fresh new tracksuit pants and a hoodie, to protect me from the cold. He took my number, telling me he will call to check up on me till I get better. I remember smiling at him  and blushing when he told me pretty girls don't have to get sick, it makes the fine boys feel bad, funny him.

Speaking of the devil, he just sent me a message.
Kai: I hope your morning is as radiant as your amazing smile, Good morning pretty❤️ and how are you doing today?

Me: Good morning Kai, I'm a lot better today and yourself?

AJ: I'm fine if you are😁

Me: Thank God, I know I said this yesterday but I'm obliged to say it again. Thank you so much for your help yesterday, I don't where I would have been without you😊. God bless you.

Kai: Nah don't worry, it isn't a big deal. I was glad to be of help to a pretty lady like you. Can I take you to lunch during your break?

Me: I don't work but sure.

Kai: 🌚 judging by your clothes yesterday, you work so why are you telling me you don't?

Me: I used to, I quit before you found me.

Kai: Then it's my lucky day, I happen to need a temp for some months. Maybe you can apply?

Me: I'll think about it, see you at lunch Igtg.

Kai: okay.... your name?

Me: my bad, I'm Deandra.

Kai: beautiful name for a beautiful girl🌚❤️

I smiled and locked my phone, placing it on my bed before reaching out for shorts and a tee. I took my phone from the bed and stuffed it in my pocket as I left my room.

Wendy was in her room getting ready for school when I peeped into her Davies Couture, that's what she calls it. After several pleas and puppy eyes, I allowed her decorate it to her own taste and preference, she ended up making it look like a fashion icon's room. Her walls were plastered with collages and pictures of Paris Davies Smith, her all time fashion goddess and her book shelves were lined with magazines and news paper articles of her. Her room looks like a temple of Paris, and I wouldn't be surprised if she one day meets her. There's a rumor she attends our church but I don't how true it is, never seen her with my own eyes over there before.

I backed away from her room and strolled to the living room. Mother was seated on the couch, reading through the morning's newspaper and sipping her favorite beverage, tea. She briefly looked up from the paper and addressed me, "good morning angel, how are you feeling?"

"I'm great mum and you?" I asked her, turning on the tv. I'm not really hungry this morning, I've entirely lost my appetite with what happened yesterday and about that, I don't think I can break the news to my mother. She will worry and think deeply about how we will survive and if we will keep living which can trigger a stroke or a hypertension.

"I'm fine too, why aren't you dressed for work yet? It's getting late."

"I called in sick at work, my boss has given me some days off." I thought carefully before blurting that lie out and how it should never be found out.

"He's a nice man to give you days off and not just a day." Mother said and smiled at me. I silently huffed and rolled my eyes, if only she knew who she was talking about  and referring to as a nice man. He isn't and can never be, he's the opposite definition of nice, a clear definition of an awful person.

Why did I have to work under him? And why did I even have to put up with him all this while? Yesterday was the last straw and I'm never going to set my foot into his office even if I'm offered millions of dollars to work for him again.

I need to get my ass up from this couch and get into my room, change into fresh and formal clothes and go out there to search for a job if I want to cover my lie and make sure it's never out in the open.

My mother will be dishearten to know I lied to her about something as serious as that, I don't want to start with Wendy too. I can't bear seeing her sad face and trying to work her ass off to support us in her own little way. I'm the eldest, I ought to do that and not her, all I want is for her to focus on her education and get a better degree later in the future.

I sighed and got up from my seat and went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Wendy and mother before I go out in search of a job. We were out of groceries and after searching the cabinets for a long time, I found a box of oat cornflakes and milk which will last for today and tomorrow. I've made a mental note to go grocery shopping later in the day with the little left of my savings I used in getting us this house.

There was no need to fry eggs or bacon, I placed the cornflakes and milk on the island kitchen and went to my room.

I didn't have much clothes so I changed into a jeans and hoodie, tying my hair into a pony tail on my head and grabbed my side bag from the coat rack and swung it around my shoulder.

I didn't bother myself looking in the mirror. I look just fine, I've worn these clothes so many times to know how I look in them. I put on my boots and brought out my phone after hearing it buzz in my bag.

There was a text from Jay asking me if I'm on my way because the boss was in and was demanding for me. I rolled my eyes and sent him a reply, calling in sick and stuffed my phone into my pocket as I opened the front door.

I yelled, bidding goodbye to my mum in haste and walked to the pavement in front of our house. I stood there looking from left to right, contemplating where to go first. The left will take me to my company and other successful ones and the right will take me to the entertainment part of our little city where the strip clubs, normal clubs, theaters, video game stores and ballet school are.

I took the left, I'm going to walk pass the company and not spare it a glance but go try my luck at the telecommunication company and textile company around. Or maybe I can consider Kai's offer, who knows what today has got for me? Only the man up there. I raised my head to stare at the sky, offering a silent prayer to God to bless me today and make me successful in my search for a job.

I then took the bus, sitting quietly to myself and minded my own business till I alighted at the telecom company. Breathing in and out, I muttered to myself, "Lord God as we discussed" and gathered all the confidence, I had as I made my way to the reception.

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