Book one: Chapter forty seven

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Happy new month guys🤗❤🦋

Luigi's POV

Breakfast was finally set. Wendy helped me in setting the table despite my protests, I wanted it all to be on me- the food preparation, table setting and doing the dishes but this stubborn partner of mine helped me. I'm not really complaining, she was of great help.

Wendy added a little touch of Christmas decor to the setting  and its made it the perfect family breakfast on Christmas that it is.

"Thank you partner." Yeah she's my partner in crime and if I haven't told you, she's the one who convinced Zuri  I'm the right one for her by indirectly talking nonstop about how I treat her, how happy she has become and how good of a person I am and all that.

"You welcome." She batted her lashes at me, I burst out laughing and she joined me too, "why? Isn't this what they do to charm men?"

"Are you thinking of charming someone?"

"Uh no, I see them doing that in movies so." She shrugged her shoulders, "answer me."

"You don't charm a man by doing that, its cheap. If you want someone to love you, you always have to love them unconditionally, prove yourself right in their eyes, be their sunshine and spoil them with love, laughter and gifts too."

"Oh I see, so that's how come Zuzu loves you cause I made you look good in her eyes." She said thoughtfully.

"Yes never let people lie to you seduction and sex makes someone love you." I have to drill it in her head before she starts thinking that. If only Paris knew while growing up, she wouldn't have resorted to that and disgraced herself before me.

I sighed, I've lost a childhood best friend because of this cheap mentality and her confession is still a shocker to me until now.

It still is anytime I think about, i never imagined she saw me in that light per how i behaved towards her. It was a friendly and nothing else, girls always catching feelings at the least affection you show them.

  I know it from my female friends, they always can't stop blabbing on and on about it, I can recite what they say without missing words.

I want us to go back to being friends. I don't want what transpired to ruin our years of friendship but she doesn't want anything to do with me if we aren't going to be together. Sad.

"Good morning Mr Gianni." Zuri's best friend, Asal, greeted me shyly when she  came into the dining room.

"Its just Luigi not Mr Gianni, Asal." I smiled, telling her that. I want her to overcome her shyness around me as relate to me like she does to Zuri. This formal relation is getting out of hand,lmao.

"I'll remember that next tim--"

"Is that Mocha I smell?" Zuri burst into the dining room in excitement as she looked around till she spotted the jug in the center of the  table.

Her mother was quick to grab it before she did. "Where are your manners young lady?"

"Sorry mama, good morning to y'all! Now can I get it back please?"

"No let's all sit first for breakfast only then will you get this." Mrs Cudjoe waved the jug in her face with a smile.

Zuri pouted and stared at the jar with puppy and longing eyes. I watched their whole exchange in amusement, she's eyeing that jug like its her boyfriend and that kinda hurt who I'm kidding, I love that she's like that knowing I played a role in it.

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