Book three: Chapter eleven

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Zuri's POV

"Listen, listen, hey you listen!!" I had no choice than to yell at the lousy woman standing in front of me and banged my fisted hand on my desk while gritting my teeth, Mr Lane surely owes me an explanation for this unscrupulous behavior and disrespect from his ex wife.

She squirmed, looking at me with alarmed eyes and her fake lashes batting animatedly. I rolled my eyes and huffed in annoyance at her, signaling her to sit down as I huffed. "Will you sit down or I call security?!"

"I won't tolerate any disrespect from you!"

"Disrespect? Well hello miss, I should be the one complaining here because you are not my client yet you came into my office and started spewing accusations and insults at me for something I haven't done—"

"You have done everything! Because of you I've lost every single penny Duncan was supposed to give me—" This woman is definitely psycho, her frenzied behavior dwelling in anger is seriously pissing me off.

"Don't you dare heap your own faults on me, don't you even try it. If you had any dignity in you, you wouldn't have committed adultery and lost everything!" I snapped though I tried is hard not to, she's getting on my nerves and making me raise my voice on someone especially a woman like me, I hate this!

"Says the whore who cheated on her fiancé." She said in distaste with clenched teeth, "you and I are alike, only I'm much wiser than you are."

"Excuse me? Firstly, don't say something you have no idea about, also you and I," I spat, pointing between us, "can never be alike in this world or after and finally, you're pathetic calling gold digging a wise decision." I concluded, smiling at her and took my seat. I hate doing this, I hate throwing people's faults in their face but this woman left me with no choice.

She dare come into my office and start accusing me for being the cause of her husband who's my client waiving the alimony he was supposed to give her when in reality, it all happened due to her inability to close her legs and her uncontrolled materialistic behavior.

She got married to my client for only two years, got pregnant with a baby she's still carrying that isn't his shortly after he told her he was going to divorce her because he can't stand her promiscuity and infidelity.

In less than a week that they're divorce petition was being pulled through, this lady had the nerve to get involved with another wealthy asf dude she's pinned down in order to secure her finances and continue living the lavish lifestyle she's grown accustomed to and later married him after the divorce was granted.

And she dare compare me to her, I'm neither materialistic nor cheated on my baby. Our situations are different so she should act like it and not justify her abominable actions.

"I'll see you in court." She threatened and stared at me waiting for a reaction, perhaps an angry reaction so she gets something to talk about in court.

"Here I thought you were so wise." I laughed at her ignorance and sorry to say stupidity, she's so stupid than I thought, seriously, she's going to go to court over an issue that is as useless and lifeless as a century old corpse! "Listen here, this is a free advice that your attorney should have given you but he ain't going to cause he's much more interested in the money you'll give him than anything. Pay attention, if you want to continue amassing wealth, drop the lawsuit against your ex husband."

"As if I will listen to you." She scoffed.

"Of course you will, you have to. The state of California by law is a no fault state when it comes to divorce and after, the necessary spousal support that a woman or man is entitled to isn't affected but it is if the recipient of the support doesn't stay in the marriage for at least ten years so in your case, your husband only took pity on you and gave you two months alimony before the divorce was finalized cause unlike you who's so selfish, he actually cares about you. And one more thing, you two signed a prenup indicating if one of you were to ever cheat, there won't be any property for him or her and you did and the last reason being you got married after the divorce was even finalized, that alone is a far more reason for you not to ever get alimony forever, read my lips, f-o-r-e-v-e-r. So instead of wasting the little money you have left after divorcing your second husband after my client, why don't you just use it to establish a more profitable business that will yield profit for you to finance your lavish lifestyle."

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