Book two: Chapter nineteen

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Zuri's POV

Having finished drying myself, I walked out of the shower and went into the closet where I rummaged through the cabinets and pulled out a pink and white stripped night shirt and changed into it after removing the towel off me.

I slide my feet into my fluffy feet warmer and walked out of the closet, going to the couch where my dinner was waiting for me. I made it before coming upstairs so I don't have to go back to the kitchen after taking my bath.

It was a simple club sandwich with yoghurt and banana smoothie. My girls aren't at home, they're over at their Grandma's so I didn't see the need in making anything extra.

I plopped my ass on the couch, tiredness rushing to me. Today was in hell of a tiring day at work, I'm so glad the girls aren't here with me because I'm sure to pass out from their cuteness and worrisome behavior when they're together with me.

As I took a bite out of my sandwich, I unlocked my phone and immediately went to Instagram. I'm going to do what I do everyday, stalk my baby..oops, Luigi Gianni. I keep forgetting I've lost that right over him when I decided to walk out of his life after betraying him in the worse possible way.

I bit the insides of my cheeks to prevent me from crying like every other day and like always I fail in doing so. Hot liquid run down my cheeks as the memories of that particular day at mine begins to flash through my mind.

It was the worst day of my life. I felt like my whole world had come crumbling down, it felt so surreal but ha, it really was real. From Lui finding out about the pregnancy to his remarks and the insults he hurled at me then to that heartbreaking moment where he took the rings from me and told me goodbye, I knew I had died inside that minute.

I was only a lifeless body parading around, I had lost the only thing that means the most to me, there was nothing to live for. That was what I thought until God gave me a new bundle of joy in a human form who I know live for, she's my everything. She continues to wipe my tears and fills the void in my life but it can't be compared to Lui's.

I took a sip from my smoothie and licked my lips as I checked Lui's page. He hasn't posted anything recently it was just the old ones I scrolled through. They were old pictures of him and Paris before we got together and new ones of Fia that were mostly advertisement for her new clothing line.

He hasn't posted anything to show if he has moved on or not, I sighed in defeat and left his page.

My eyes bulged when I saw a post by the shade room after exiting. I instantly tapped on it, my heart skipped a beat. It was a picture of Lui and Paris holding hands and acting all lovey dovey as they stared at each other adoringly.

Pangs of jealousy pricked my heart as I looked at the post, the caption wasn't helping to ease the hurt I felt.

Congratulations to the newest celebrity couple, over very own Luigi Gianni and Paris Davies Hamilton, happy love life lovebirds❤️
#truelove #whosaysbestfriendscantfallinlove

I'm like what the fuck is going on? Lui and Paris? "They seem so in love, my gosh!"

Like I don't understand what is going on, when did this happen? Fia has never said a word about this all those times we talked, it can't be true, maybe it's just a stunt you know for popularity. Lui has gone back to acting so it may be just for popularity for both of them, Lui and Paris cannot just be.

I grabbed the remote from beside me, turning on the tv and tuned it E! News. If I wanna know more I guess I have to go there and as if wanting to answer my question and rub what I've lost in my face, their relationship was being broadcasted.

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