Book two: Chapter two

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Song: Broken heart by Escape the fire💔

Luigi's POV

Nothing feels the same anymore. The only thing I feel is betrayal, unceasing anger and hurt in my heart and my whole being.

The betrayal was a big fatal blow to me. Everything I ever had with Zuri was a lie to her, she gave me false hope of love.

I know very damn well how it feels and that mistake can't be repeated again, especially not with my best friend who I adore so much but can't seem to have any feelings aside platonic ones for.

She never deserved what I did to her today, no girl deserves that yet I had to. It was the only possible way I could save us all from the grave mistake we were about to commit.

I'm so sorry Paris, I know you'll never forgive me for this.

Sighing with a heavy heart, the events of today replay in my head. It's so vivid, I can almost feel myself being transported back to where it happened.

"Sir with all due respect, I think you should remain sober. We can't risk another scandal." My publicist, Tamara Combs said, almost pleading.

"Don't worry, I've got it all covered. One glass won't hurt." I told her, circling the tip of the glass with my index finger.

"Just one and nothing more." She said and raised her index finger to drive home her words.

I nodded at her, putting the glass back on the table. I wasn't in the mood to drink anymore right now, with what I'm about to do, I'll be needing alcohol later to drown my sorrows away.

Sighing, I pulled out my phone having heard it ring. It was Fia, I declined the call. I now very well what she wants and what's I'm going to do but what I hate is, she's going to still sing the praises of that evil vixen.

I don't need that now, when what I'm about to do is entirely her fault. Another is going to pay for something she has no idea of just because of her sins.

Despicable witch!

"Are we there yet?" I asked exhaling heavily, this is so hard.

"Yeah, he is parking the car. We will be out soon. I can see you can't wait to tie her down huh?" Tamara inquired wiggling her brows, she was more excited than I was.

I forced her a smile not saying anything, she's in for a shocker.

"Who wouldn't though? She's such a lovely young lady. Graceful in manners, well bred, beautiful and she has a good heart too. She's always thinking about others."

That made my heart ache. Her words described two people in my life. One was the reason for my pain and the other, is going to feel that pain too.

I'm feeling worse than ever hearing those words from her. Paris is so innocent, for a sec, I want to abort my plan.

But on the good side, I have to pull it through. This is for the best not for me though for her.

I'm already a pathetic mess who was shattered to the core, there's no piecing back for me and I've got nothing to lose when I've lost everything already.

I got out of the limo after my chauffeur opened the door for us, going inside the venue.

It wasn't an easy one though, we had to wade off media men from our way, they were so thirsty for an interview. It's too bad, they won't be getting any tonight.

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