Book three: Chapter six

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Zuri's POV

The world indeed is a small place, wow. Turns out the law firm Mr Stiles was talking about belongs to the Accardis, I know them from the tabloids but I know one of his sons, the youngest very well. He's Lui's friend Giuseppe Accardi, gosh I should have known it was him cause there aren't much Accardis around whore famous too.

All the same I've started working here, I began work the next day and the boss Mr Accardi himself introduced me to the whole firm then later the shareholders of the firm, being his sons and daughter who're all qualified attorneys like myself.

It came as a surprise seeing Giuseppe sitting there and being introduced as one, I wasn't expecting that cause he's a certified play boy, dashing young man who acts so like why law?.... ah well.

Unlike my previous firm where I was an equity partner, here I'm the head of the family law department who according to Mr Accardi enjoys some benefits like the equity partner though little. I can't complain, I'm cool.

So currently, I'm on my way to Giuseppe's office. I've been here for two weeks and today's the day he also resumed work, I was told he's going to practice and act at the same time though he hates the attorney thing, he's doing it for his father.

"Hello." I greeted back, etching my lips into a sweet smile at the hellos and heys thrown my way as I made my way to his office which is on the next floor above mine then walked into the elevator.

I stood at a corner, minding my business while waiting for the elevator to reach my destination and when it did, I strutted quickly to his office but stopped when I heard a familiar voice behind the door talking to Giuseppe, it sounded distressed and pissed at the same time.

My heart pinched as I listened into the conversation, my ears couldn't help but catch a line or two from what they were talking about.

"I tell you man, I live in my own house yet I don't have peace of mind. Everyday when I close from work, I begin to dread going home cause I know I'm never going to be happy there. She's always finding a reason to throw what happened in my face just to push me to admit it..I'm fed up man, it wasn't like this when Zuri was around with her, I always wanted to rush home."

"You miss her right? Cause you seem to talk about her more and more lately."

"I would be a terrible liar if I say I don't miss her, I do every second of my life and it's become more lately as a result of Paris's bitchy behavior and her return as well."

"Miss Cudjoe." Someone said and tapped me, making me jerk.

I turned sharply to the voice with my eyes bulging out of my sockets, damnit I've been caught eavesdropping.


"What are you doing outside the door? Come on miss, Mr Accardi is expecting you."

"Uhm..thank you." I muttered then flashed her a smile in return to hers and followed her into the office after she knocked then entered.

I felt giddy all of a sudden as I walked, the reason being, one I'm going in there not to only meet Giuseppe but Lui as well, I wouldn't know how to act or carry myself around him after the kiss on Friday and what I heard while eavesdropping a minute ago.

What I heard is quite shocking, I wouldn't have believed it if I heard it from someone else but this is from the horses own mouth. He's complaining about his love life when the media paint them as a very happy couple who can't get enough of each other. This alone makes me feel there's something going on, I always knew Lui never loved her then suddenly he's all over her on social media and tv, being all lovey dovey. It doesn't fit if you think about it deeper, there's definitely something else that we all are oblivious to.

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