Book one: Chapter forty nine

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Zuri's POV

It's the second day since Lui and I came to New York and it's been nothing but bliss. Nothing too extra, it was just the two of us savoring each moment with Zulu at home the whole day.

We video called the girls and mama and chatted with them for a long time before they hanged up saying they were going for a family dinner. I was happy they were being merry and not stuck at home all day.

Fia called too, checking up on us. I spoke with Jay who was with Fia in his house, their face and reddish lips gave them away. I didn't ask Jay lest he got embarrassed but I'm sure to tease him at work when we resume.

Zulu barked excitedly, wagging her tail after seeing her former owner and now God mother on Lui's phone screen.

That girl is an attention seeker, she stole me from Lui last night by whimpering sadly right after we got home from our dinner at a fancy restaurant in Manhattan where I finally got to taste New York steak with grilled vegetables and Manhattan Clam Chowder. Mmnh it was heaven, I want it again and I'm surely going to miss it when we leave.

I had to carry her on my bossom for hours, pampering her and getting her to sleep after singing for her and stroking her fur.

I don't know what was wrong with her and why she wouldn't stop whimpering. She isn't sick, she's perfectly fine, no fever whatsoever and she has taken all her medical shots too. I think she missed mummy too and wanted to be pampered by me.

Lui was only rolling his eyes and tugging at his hair in frustration, complaining he has to share me with Zulu and that he was jealous of Zulu's head on my blossom that he wanted to sleep on all night.

I laughed at his childishness. He was behaving like a kid who's got a baby sibling for the first time and doesn't want to share his mother with the newborn.

Taking my bath after putting Zulu to sleep, I focused my attention on Lui. He was unresponsive initially. He refused to look at me or reply me when I talked to him and even lotion my back after I took my bath when it was something he liked to do for me.

I did everything to get him to talk to me and look at me. I even tried calling Kai to irk him so he talks to me but it was all in vain.

I retired to my side of the bed quietly, I was also mad at him for shutting me out. He eventually came to me, talking to me. I gave him the silent treatment and only talked to him when he apologized for getting mad over something as trivial as that.

Lui told me he hated sharing me with people. He wants me all for himself cause he can't survive a minute away from me and all that.

I silenced him by placing a kiss on his lips, he immediately responded by circling his hands around my waist and scooped me on his laps.

Rebuking him for behaving like that towards Zulu who is an animal, I asked him how he was going to behave of we start having babies who will cry in the evening he would want us to make love or at dawn be would want us to cuddle.

He told me he was going to figure that out when we get there. We left it at that as he laid his head on my lap and I run my fingers through his hair, singing for him till he fell asleep.

I've just gotten out of the shower and shivering from the cold. I left my towel on the couch again. I need to get it before the cold gets to me more.

Opening the door, I peeked into the room to ask Lui to hand it to me. "Baby please hand me the towel."

"The towel?" He asked typing on his phone.

"Yes and please hurry up!" My teeth was chattering as I said that.

Love Does Cost A ThingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora