Chapter Forty Two

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A/N: I struggled with this chapter for the longest time ever until I just said fuck it, I don't care if the POV switches are confusing. Lol. Waaaah this break really killed me. Never again.

A/N 2: I don't know why I didn't add this to the last update. If you have time, you can search for / Javier Fernandez - Someone you loved - Golden Skate Awards / on YouTube... Thank you Javi for giving me material so my delusional self doesn't have to come up with something on my own... Much appreciated.


Cal was right. The only way I knew I could speak to Yuzu... REALLY speak to him...was on the ice. It was the only language both of us could speak to each other in so clearly we could feel it in our souls... I don't know why I hadn't thought of it before.

But...what did I want to say? Now that I was here at the rink, hands curled up in my gloves and watching my breath frost in the air in front of me, I really had no idea what to say. How did I even begin to explain how I was feeling? I felt...I felt...

Lost. Was it a ridiculous way to feel right now? I didn't know, but I felt confused and untethered and floaty. I scrolled through my phone and a song caught my eye. I set it on repeat and let it play through the speakers in the rink, then set my phone to record.

"I miss you, Yuzu." I whispered.

And then I floated.


"Yuzuru...Daijyobu?" I heard my mother ask me through the fog rolling through my head. My phone was still beeping incessantly in my hands, message after blurry message filling the screen. Friends? Reporters? I had no idea. Spots were clouding my vision now and words weren't making sense anymore.

"Yuzuru? Yuzu - "

"I'm..." I interrupted her, but I didn't know how to finish. I wasn't fine. I was far from fine. I hadn't felt this out of control of my life since...since the earthquake. My head was pounding and I could barely breathe. I couldn't ...

"Yuzu!" I don't know how I ended up on the floor, but suddenly my other was standing over me and patting on my chest. Yes...breathe...I need to breathe...

"I don't know what happened to him." My eyes fluttered when I heard my mother whispering. "He just collapsed. I thought he was having an asthma attack." Her voice shook and I buried myself deeper under the covers. Who had even put me to bed? There was no way my mother -

"He'll be fine." I started when I heard my father's voice. long had I been asleep?

"I was so mad at him, Kento. I've been so mad at him."

"Yumi..." I heard my mother sniff and my fingers coiled tighter around the Winnie the Pooh doll in my hands. "He'll be fine. You know that. Come, don't sit here. I'll make you some tea and we can..." I closed my eyes as their voices drifted away and the lump in my throat grew even heavier. Javi...

"I miss you, Yuzu." He hadn't said the words too loud...but I'd felt that whisper all the way to the tips of my fingertips. And he'd put that video out there for the whole world to see... I shuddered as I thought about what everyone was saying. What they were thinking...

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