Chapter Twenty Two

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A/N: I always have the best intentions to update this every second day but I'm getting so old lol. 👵 I just fall asleep. I have no excuses. Please bear with me?💑  I hope you're liking this story so far. I can't tell yet but we're maybe about halfway through...? Thanks to those that keep voting every week.❤❤❤

Also a little late, but congrats to Yuzu on his first Skate Canada gold medal 🙌😭


"Mr Hanyu. Do you think you'll break any more records this year?"

"Do you think you are the reason why so many skaters competing this year have been adding quads to their routines?"

"Do you feel any added pressure with this being the last season before the next Olympic Games?"

"Why did you decide to leave your home country to train on foreign soil with your competitor?"

"Do you still think you'll receive the same support from your Japanese fans?"

Each question the reporters threw at me irritated me more and more. I could feel my right bottom eyelid beginning to twitch and I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from rubbing it. They were all valid questions. I understood why they were asking them...but that didn't mean I didn't get annoyed at having to answer them. How could I answer a question like that? I mean I HOPED I still had the support of the people from the country that had raised me but I didn't know for sure. It made my chest ache with anxiety and I took a few calming breaths before the next question was thrown at me.

"Mr Hanyu, what is your connection with the character Winnie the Pooh?" I paused at that. Wha - how had they found out that I liked Winnie the Pooh? The question must have been easy to see on my face because the reporter continued. "There has been speculation on social media that the character is particularly lucky for you."

"Online?" I blinked again. I still never really used my phone much other than to text friends and family; I knew Javi found it irritating when I forgot it existed and ignored his texts for a few hours. Social media was just something I never looked at. "It... um..." I stammered for a second, a little flustered.

"I don't think Yuzu knows what you're talking about." Javi said next to me and I almost sighed with relief that he'd give me a moment to gather my thoughts.

"I don't." I admitted. "What are they talking about?" I asked him quietly.

"You remember when you gave Phillipe your Winnie the Pooh doll?" I nodded once. "Well, he posted a picture of it online, and explained that it was from you. For good luck. I think everyone found that really cute. They've been talking about it for ages."

"Really?" I blinked some more. "But...why?"

"Mr Hanyu, do you think you will become the second person in the world to ever win gold at consecutive Olympic Games'?" Another reporter asked and I lost my train of thought.

"If that interview went on any longer I was going to pull you onto the ice myself." Coach Brian said softly as he watched Javi and I stretch a little before we got on the ice. "You looked like you were about to bust a vein." He looked at me pointedly.

"Felt like it." I mumbled and he squeezed my shoulder when I hopped past him onto the ice. This what why I hated interviews. I got overwhelmed slightly by all the questions and I had no idea what I was even saying anymore. When I got too flustered I had no idea how to even answer in English anymore and my brain got stuck on Japanese. I didn't have a translator here with me though.

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