Chapter Thirty Five

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A/N: Charger problem fixed. So happy OMG, you have no idea.


"You're staring." I heard from next to me and I shook myself out of my trance to see who it was.

"Huh?" I smiled when I saw Miki leaning on the rails, looking at me with those deep brown eyes of hers. "Miki. How are you? What are you doing here?" I asked when she accepted my hug.

"I needed a vacation and Himawari wanted to come see the skaters." She said and I let out a short laugh. I knew when Miki had retired to give birth to her daughter, she had been terrified about being a mother. It looked like she'd figured it all out in the end.

"Where is she so I can say hi? Has she started skating yet?" I asked looking around the arena.

"She's hanging out with Carolina by the warm up rink." She pointed behind her. "She'll be a demon on the ice in a few years."

"What did you expect? Her mother is Miki Ando and she hangs out with Carolina Kostner." I winked at her and she smirked, turning around to lean on the rail again, elbows on the edge and resting her chin on her hand.

"Stop flirting with me. He'll get jealous."

"What?" I blinked at her.

"I told you. You were staring." She said with a laugh and glanced to left with her eyes. "And he hasn't stopped staring at you since you hugged me." I peeked over in the direction she was looking at and saw Yuzu spinning in slow circles with Shoma as they talked, but she was right. Yuzu had his eyes trained on us as he glided over the ice effortlessly.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I chuckled awkwardly and leaned on the rail alongside her, watching Yuzu again.

"Right..." She dragged it out with sarcasm. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. If there's anyone to even tell." Her laugh tinkled in the cold air of the arena. "You two aren't exactly doing a good job hiding anything."

"How is retirement treating you? Bored yet?" I ignored her and she clicked her tongue to let me know she wasn't happy with the subject change, but answered anyway. A minute or so later I watched Yuzu skate over to where we were standing. It was distracting as hell seeing him in his costume. It didn't matter how many times I saw it, the way it clung to his body in all the right places and his waist, fucking hell... I ran my hand through my hair to keep myself from reaching out and touching him.

"Miki. Konnichiwa." He nodded at her politely and his eyes flashed back and forth between us before he gestured back to where Coach Brian and Tracy were sitting. "Coach said he needs to talk to us for a minute."

"Now?" I asked, already reaching down to take off my skate guards.

"I'll see you two later then. I need to go check on Sunny. Mata ne." Miki waved goodbye, heading back around the arena to the other rink.

"I didn't know you knew Miki." Yuzu said to me when Coach Brian was done giving us his speech on what he was expecting and which reporters had asked for interviews after the competition.

"Mmm. She trained in Milan so I saw her at the European competitions a lot." I replied and he hummed softly as he zig-zagged on the ice, checking his blades on last time.

"I see." He mumbled. "You two looked cozy."

"Did we?" He raised his eyebrow at me, saying nothing. "She's nice."

"She is." He said simply and pushed away to carry on with his warm up down the ice.

"Something wrong?" I asked when I caught up with him.

"No." He said in Japanese.

"Hontou ni?"


"¿Por que siento que estás mintiéndome?"

"Go away." He huffed looking irritated and skated off to the side so he could follow the rail.

I smiled for the cameras as the flashes blinded me, holding up my medal and the bunch of flowers that they'd given me on the podium.
"Congratulations, Mr Fernandez." One of the reporters said and I nodded my thanks, but my mind was already on other things ... like certain promises that had been made earlier... as I shuffled over to where Yuzu was talking with some or other Japanese sports channel reporter.

"Shitsurei shimasu." I smiled when she noticed me and stumbled over her words. "Sumimasen. I just came over to tell Yuzu congrats on his silver medal."

"Sumi..." She blinked rapidly for a second. "...ah, Fernandez San, Nihongo o hanashimasu ka?"

"Watashi wa sukoshi Nihongo ga hanasemasu." I said with a laugh and she clapped happily while Yuzu glared at me. Or rather at the gold medal hanging around my neck.

"Sugoi, sugoi. Did Yuzuru San teach you Japanese?" She pressed.

"I've been teaching myself."

"Oh! That's amazing. You speak it very well." She giggled.

"Thank you. I ..." I paused when Yuzu walked off without saying anything. "Excuse me." I hurried after him, grabbing him by the arm and dragging him to a corner of the rink that was fairly quiet. "What is wrong with you today?"

"Nothing." He said, jutting his chin out and crossing his arms.

"Yuzu." I sighed and placed my hands on his shoulders, squeezing gently and waiting for him to look me in the eyes. "What's wrong?" He didn't say anything for a long time, but I could be patient for a little while and eventually he sighed softly, his shoulders dropping slightly.

"It's really nothing. I'm just being stupid."

"I'm sure it's not that stupid." I nudged him a little. "Tell me."

"I just... wanted to" He muttered quietly.

"Yuzu... it's not stupid to want to win." I chuckled as I pulled him forward into my chest and held on tight. "We all WANT to win." Yuzu just happened to win more than everyone else. I never really thought about how he would feel when he didn't, though. I saw for myself every day how much work he put into this sport. His control was incredible. What he ate, what he wore, his music... of course it was hard for him to deal with everything not being enough sometimes.

"I'm sorry." He whispered into my jacket.

"Don't be sorry."

"I don't want to act like a baby."

"You are a baby. The most cutest baby." I snickered when he punched me in the ribs, then let him go. He looked so morose and his cheeks were beautiful little pink bubbles and I wanted nothing more in the world right that second than to make him smile. "Yuzu..."


"I ..." I choked on the words I'd been about to say when all of a sudden there was loud screaming coming from above us. "What the - " I looked up and saw the faces of a small group of girls screaming at us from over the railings around the seating for the spectators. They all had some or other sign in their hands that they were waving wildly.


"Oh my God, JAVI!"


"It's Yuzuvier!"

"Holy...come on..." I laughed out loud, waving goodbye to the girls as I dragged Yuzu away with me again.

"Wait..." He stumbled beside me. "Did she say...Yuzuvier?" He asked me with big eyes and I remembered I had told myself I would tell Yuzu about the videos Cal had shown me that were online. It must have slipped my mind the last couple of days.

"Uh...I'll tell you later."

The Ice Prince // Yuzuvier Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now