Chapter Fourteen

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"Is there anything you want from the store?"

"Betsuni nani mo." I mumbled to my mother and fiddled with the Winnie the Pooh head band I was using to hold my hair back. I had tried to convince her otherwise, but my mother insisted on giving me one of her face masks because I had a photo shoot scheduled for tomorrow and I had 'bags under my eyes the size of Fukubukuro .'

"OK...well, what do you want for supper?"

"Anything is fine." I said and it was quiet in the room for a while.

"Yuzuru. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." I snapped out of my stupor and looked my mother in the eye. "I'm just tired. Practice was hard today." I hadn't been able to focus then too when we'd gotten back on the ice and I hadn't been able to land any of my jumps. Given that had mostly been because every time I landed, sharp pain radiated from my backside.

"If you had stayed in Japan, it would have been better." My mother said stiffly.

"Okaasan." I sighed.

"No. You wouldn't be stressing about anything right now and getting new course work for school and -"

"I can handle homework, Okaasan." I said and pushed her towards the door. She needed to leave. She was driving me crazy.

"I'll be back in a few hours, OK? Try to sleep and don't eat anything oily."

"I won't." I waved goodbye to her as she walked towards the hotel elevator and my hand fell to my side as soon as she was out of sight. Finally. I could wallow in misery in peace.

I decided to take a bath since I had the time right now and no energy; soaking in the tub with a selection of bath salts my sister had gotten for me the last time I'd gone home and complained that I missed the smell. It was great. I could feel my body starting to relax slowly and if I could just get my mind to shut up for a few hours...

Just as my eyes were starting to droop, there was a ping and a series of beeps that told me I was getting a call from reception. I groaned out loud, but heaved myself u out of the bath.

"Hello?" I answered wearily.

"Mr Hanyu. There is someone here at reception requesting to see you."

"There is?" I blinked in surprise. Ever since I'd moved to Toronto, I'd never had any visitors. "Did they give a name?"

"Yes. A Mr Javier Fernandez." My breath stalled in my throat and I had to push to find the right words in the English language.

"He's downstairs?"

"Yes, Sir. Do I have your permission to send him up?" Why was he... I wasn't... "Sir?"

"Ah...yes. You can send him up." I said and hung up quickly. Damn it. I ran back to my room and I was just putting on a shirt when there was a knock at the door. I tried to calm my beating heart as much as I could by taking deep breaths and I almost felt OK when I opened the door. The calm only lasted for a second though because as soon as I saw him standing there, butterflies erupted in my stomach so violently I felt nauseous.


"Javi." I coughed slightly and shifted on my bare feet.


"I just wanted - "

"You can come - " We said at the same time and both of us paused. "You can come in." I tried again and he nodded slowly. I stepped aside to let him in, but he brushed by me so close I could smell his shampoo as he walked past. I closed the door behind him and thanked whatever gods had persuaded my mother to get her hair done today.

The Ice Prince // Yuzuvier Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now