Chapter Forty One

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A/N: WHEW OK! Ohsashiburi. Some of you have been waiting for ages and AGES and I'm so sorry but I've been making and selling masks for Corona which took up so so much of my time lately. I'm taking a break from that for now because it's literally a serious pain in the back now and my mom is cutting off orders until I feel better and now I have time to write again.

I do ave to warn you...I haven't written in a while so I feel like this chapter could be way way better...but I'm pushing through! Thank you for reading. Hope you're all staying safe too.



"Mmm?" I blinked out of my daydream and realized my sister was still on the phone.

"Did you hear me?"


"What did I say?"

"...No lo sé." I admitted after a few moments and she sighed loudly.

"¿Qué pasa? ¿Estás bien?"

"Nothing is wrong, Laura. Look, I have to go. OK? I'll call you tomorrow." I hung up before she could argue and fell back on my bed with a deep sigh. I was going to have to change the sheets now. I'd held onto them for as long as I could ...but his smell was starting to fade. I picked up my phone again and hoped with everything inside me that it would suddenly start ringing and Yuzu's name would pop up on the screen, programmed in Japanese which he'd done for me a couple of weeks ago.


"I'm coming, hold your freaking horses." I heard on the other side of the door. When it opened, the world tilted and I fell forwards, but luckily something broke my fall. "Javi?"

"Cal? Did you catch me?" I laughed at what that must have looked like and struggled out of his arms, making my way further into his apartment. "I came to visit you."

"At midnight?" He sounded surprised.

"You aren't sleeping." I said with a shrug. If his lights had been off, I wouldn't have knocked.

"Are you wasted?" He asked me and I snickered, flopping on his couch. On the TV was some nature show he was watching about polar bears. "Don't you have practice tomorrow?"

"Why is ice so pretty?" I asked him when they showed a shot of ice crystals reflecting in the sunlight. I skated on ice essentially every day of my life, but it never sparkled under artificial light quite like sunlight.

"Javi." He sighed as he sat down next to me, patting my head lightly. "What happened? Huh? You've been weird all week now."

"You're weird." I retorted and curled into a ball on the couch, suddenly exhausted. "I'm tired." I murmured.

"Did you ...have a fight with Yuzuru?" He asked me carefully and my heart hammered painfully in my chest.

"I wish." I mumbled. If there had been a fight, then everything would have made more sense. I wouldn't have been so blindsided...


"He broke up with me." I whispered and held my breath waiting for him to ask me what I did wrong.

"That sucks..." He said a while later and tears prickled my eyes.

"You have no idea."

"Did he say why?"

The Ice Prince // Yuzuvier Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now