Chapter Forty Eight

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The crowd of parents behind the stage curtain was just starting to get louder when I entered the Green Room and spotted Mistress Ekaterina traipsing around looking absolutely stunning in all white.

"Javier." She greeted me with an air kiss and floated along the room to make sure everyone was absolutely ready. "My little flowers, does anyone need any help with their costumes?"

It wasn't quite as stressful as waiting for my time to skate, but it still made me nervous waiting for the little ones. I hoped that at least they had fun and didn't give in to stage fright.

"Javi." Shoma made his way over to me and gave me a pat on the back. "Have you seen Stephane?" He asked and I pointed to the back of the room where he was pinning Jessica's hair into a neat bun. There was something about the way his face relaxed when he spotted him and something about the way his eyes sparkled just a LITTLE more when he looked at Stephane that made me pause. I'd felt that expression on my own face long enough to recognize it but before I could say anything his attention was back on me.

"I went to visit Yuzu earlier. He's looking great." I couldn't help the smile growing on my face.

"Isn't he? He's amazing."

"I agree. He is amazing. But he could just sit out this Olympics. He's already got a gold medal hanging on the shelf. He's one medal away from a super slam..." Shoma's eyebrows raised thoughtfully. "Is there a reason why you're pushing him so hard?" He asked and the weight on my shoulders doubled. I opened my mouth to try and figure out how to explain myself but nothing came out. Not even air. I was saved a second later by a breathless Stephane.

"Shoma! You came." He gasped and Shoma lit up like a Christmas tree.

"How could I not." He beamed and I shuffled out of his field of vision to the safety of the backstage wings.

The programmes were short. The kids were excited to show their parents what they had been working on all year, but we all knew well enough that most parents were there just to see their children smiling. For the most part it went smoothly with only a few hiccups that were easily overcome with a few giggles. I kept vigil from one corner of the stage while Stephane manned the other and before we knew it it was all over.

"High-five?" Amy asked me shyly and I bent down to hold up my hand for her to slap.

"You did great, squirt." I gave her a smile and it summoned an army of little ones all asking for a high-five.

"Thanks for being a good teacher Mr Fernandez." Phillipe smiled at me when he came for his high-five.

"Oh, I'm Mr Fernandez now?" He giggled when I reached out to tickle him under the arms. "Hey listen I know that you wanted - " While I was speaking Phillipe let out a squeal as his eyes focused on something behind me.

"You CAME!" He took off like a shot and I stood up to see which family member he'd been excited to see. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Yuzu leaning his crutch against the wall so he had his arm free to give Phillipe a hug.

"I did. Did you see me in the crowd?" He asked while petting his hair. Phillipe shook his head no. "Well, you were dancing beautifully. I'm glad I didn't miss it." I let them speak for a little while longer but as soon as Phillipe was dragged away by his mother I sauntered over to him.

"Mr Hanyu." I said borrowing Phillipe's tactic. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"I had some free time." He said with a cheeky smile. He looked incredibly delicious right now. It was rare to see him in a suit and he'd opted for an open shirt with no tie. His hair that usually hung over his eyes was slicked back and I had to bite the inside of my cheek to remember to keep my hands to myself.

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