Chapter Thirty Four

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I dragged myself out of the shower and barely managed to get some shorts on before I face-planted on the bed with a heavy grunt. We were in Hokkaido today and then it was off to wherever was next on my schedule. I was too tired to try and remember where right now. I nearly cried when my phone rang, the noise digging straight into my skull, echoing in my skull and making my headache worse. I crawled over to grab it where it was shivering on the side table.

"Moshi mosh?" I muttered without checking who it was, collapsing back on the bed again.


"Mmm..." I hummed wearily

"Sleepy?" I could hear the smile in Javi's voice but I couldn't bring myself to do much more than grunt in response. "I'll let you go then. I can call you tomorrow."

"But I miss you..."

"I miss you too." He sighed. "I know you're busy. Only one more week." He said and I wanted to pull my hair out by the roots. Only one more week? It was insane. I'd gone my whole life without Javi but a few weeks without a sip of his hot chocolate and I was ready to go crazy.

It wasn't just the distance that was killing me though. I missed my home like mad but being back in Japan came with a whole other level of stress that I'd forgotten about in Toronto. It popped up in every interview now. Would I make Japan proud again and win another gold medal at the next Winter Olympics? It was too impossible for them not to be excited.

I was at my peak and dominating in the world standings at the moment. The possibility was there, for them at least if not for me. There hadn't been an Olympic champion that had successfully defended their title back to back in the last 60 and some change years. The hope in their eyes made my heart beat with anxiousness and my stomach twist with dread.

"One more week..." I said softly. I was too weak to hold back the tear that escaped from the corner of my eye.

"Just one more week." Javi repeated just as softly and I nodded even though he couldn't see me. I hoped I hadn't lost my mind by then.

"Yuzu." My mother tapped my arm to get my attention but I couldn't focus. Our plane had landed in Shanghai a couple of hours ago, but I hadn't been able to bear going to the hotel to wait for Javi. I jumped up out of my seat at the airport when the board said that his plane had landed and paced up and down the floor in front of the arrivals sign.

"Yuzu, will you sit please, you're making me dizzy."

"I don't want to ..." I trailed off when I saw a familiar curly head pop up in the crowd. "Javi." I giggled, almost delirious with happiness just at the sight of him. What the hell was wrong with me? "Javi!" His head whipped around and he grinned when he saw me, holding out his arms. I leaped straight into them and the relief I felt being enveloped in his smell was disturbing.

"Dumpling." He chuckled in my ear. "What are you doing here? Did you go to the hotel already?"

"I was waiting for you." I said when he let me go.

"Ah." He smiled and waved at my mother who was waiting for us further away. "We should hurry up then. We don't have much time to - "

"If the next words out of your mouth is not sleep, Mr Fernandez, there's going to be trouble." Coach Brian said behind us and I snickered when Javi made a face.

"Of course, Coach. Of course."

"Hmm." The look on Coach Brian's face said he didn't believe him, but he let it go, rolling the trolley of luggage past us. "Practice is in 4 hours. Use it wisely."

I trailed my hand down the curve of Javi's back and stopped at a purpling bruise on his lower back. I hadn't seen it in the mad scramble to get his clothes off earlier.

"What happened?" I asked and he snorted loudly into the pillow.

"Phillipe." He muttered and rolled his head to the side so I could see his face. "Little monkey tried to jump during practice and knocked both of us over." He didn't look angry though.

"He's trying jumps already?" I was surprised.

"Too impatient, that one." He mumbled, reaching out with a hand and brushing it along my cheek. "Reminds me of someone." I pursed my lips at him but his answering smile had me melting in seconds. I sank back onto the pillow, bringing his face closer to mine.

"You're the impatient one."

"Am not." I raised my eyebrow and he laughed. "I'm not!"

"Remind me again who was begging for me to hdbfwui." I chuckled in surprise when his lips crashed on mine quickly to stop me speaking. "You're so bad."

"Would you like me if I wasn't bad?" He asked with a cheeky smirk and I smacked him with the back of my hand. He swatted it away and crawled on top of me in the blink of an eye. "Would you?"

"I don't know." I answered him honestly. "I can't imagine it."

"I wasn't born a rebel, you know."

"Somehow I don't believe that."

"It's true."

"That's not what your sister says." I countered and he laughed loudly. He'd been asking if I had been talking to his sister since he gave me her number but I hadn't said anything about it until now.

"Can we not talk about my sister when I'm in bed with you. Naked." He said.

"You want to get dressed?" I asked to tease him and he rolled his eyes.

"Not a chance."

"What do you want to talk about then?"

"I don't want to talk." He murmured and I closed my eyes when he sank lower, pushing my legs apart and nipped lightly at my neck, his stubble scratching deliciously on my skin.

"Practice is in an hour." I whispered.

"Then I have 50 minutes."

"Javi!" I squealed when he started tickling my sides. "Oh my God, YAMATE!"

"Yuzu." Coach Brian nodded in my direction when I finished getting dressed in my skating costume. "You look...relaxed." He said and I don't know why it made me blush horribly. "Not nervous today?"

"I'm always nervous." I said and he gave me a pat on the back.

"Give me a second, I need to go find Tracy." He said. Coach Ghislain had been feeling a little sick so Tracy had come in his place this time. I was picking at a seam on my arm when I felt arms slide around my waist.

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you."

"What about me?"

"I can't see you." I tried to hold back my smile.

"I look the same every day." Javi said sounding affronted.

"Are you saying I don't look beautiful every day?" I asked and he huffed into my shoulder.

"You look especially beautiful today. I like this costume."

"I think I gained weight." I mumbled. "It's getting tight here." I showed him the seam that was annoying me. "This is your fault."

"My fault?" He cackled with disbelief. "I didn't hold a gun to your head."

"Umai wa..." I muttered, shaking my head. "Come on. The rink should be open for warm up now."

"Give me a kiss first."

"If you can beat my score tonight, I'll give you a kiss." I winked as I ducked out from his arms. "What do you say?"

"Bring it, Baby!" Javi shouted as I jogged out of the dressing room. 

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