Chapter Twenty One

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I was watching Javi as he jogged down the hall to catch the elevator when I heard a soft snort behind me.

"Does Okaasan know you're sucking face with the enemy?" I stilled with my hand on the door and chewed on my bottom lip before turning to face my sister.

"Ne-chan." I huffed and closed the door carefully. "Why do you always sneak up on me..."

"I wasn't sneaking anywhere."

"You gave me a fright." I sucked on my teeth and debated whether I could go to bed without actually washing the dishes.

"You didn't answer my question." She said with a raised eyebrow and watched me as I shuffled to the kitchen. I sighed softly and started to stack the dirty dishes.

"Yes. Okaasan knows." I muttered and Sana made a choking noise.

"WHAT?" She screeched and came to join me by the sink. "She...what? Why didn't she tell me? Why didn't YOU tell me?" She punched me in the arm and I shot her a look.

"Ouch." I said without venom and shrugged as I opened the water to rinse the dishes. "I don't know." I thought maybe she would have told my family after she found out I was seeing Javi. As for telling my sister myself...I wasn't lying to Javi when I said our relationship was a weird one. I never knew what to say to her and this was so personal...

"Did you think I would be mad?" She asked. "Or like...hate you?"

"No?" It sounded like a question. Did I think that? I don't know. I barely knew anything about my sister.

"Yuzu." She looked hurt. "I would never." She took a step closer and wrapped an arm around my shoulders and I stopped what I was doing for the moment. "You're my little brother."

"Whatever." I mumbled with a chuckle.

"No. Listen to me." She shifted my shoulders until I was facing her. "I know we don't ...spend a lot of time together. But you're still my brother and I love you. Even when you were an annoying little shit and insisted on coming to skate practice with me all the time." I laughed out loud at that even as emotion started to clog my throat. "I could never hate you."

"Ne-chan..." I started but I didn't know how to finish. I had so much I wanted to say suddenly and didn't know how to say it. My sister smiled at me gently and opened her arms to give me a hug.

"You are SUCH a little shit, I swear. How could you not tell me you were seeing anyone." She grumbled in my ear. "Not even anyone. Your biggest skating rival in the world."

"Um..." I hummed.

"He is stupid handsome though." She mumbled and I chuckled.

"He is." She grinned at me when she pulled back.

"And Okaasan seems to like him."

"Not at first." I was still confused about what had happened with those two. Her face would wrinkle considerable if I even mentioned him before... Sana squealed suddenly and hopped up and down on the spot.

"I can't believe you're actually dating someone." I scoffed and went back to rinsing the dishes.

"Is it that hard to believe?" She bumped my shoulder with hers and leaned against the sink.

"I guess you didn't see it. You've always been so serious. I think this is the first time I've ever seen you smile so much." I rolled my shoulders and coughed slightly but it didn't stop my cheeks from blushing.

The Ice Prince // Yuzuvier Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now