um hi? sorry for the update

9.5K 204 22

soooo...hi? i usually wouldnt put a whole ass chapter as an authors note, i generally put my random thoughts and notes in parentheses, but i finished the story so that really isnt an option...

but i just wanted to say thank you guys!!!! seriously, over 2 fucking thousand reads and 153 votes! When i started the story i was content with no one reading it, i just wrote it to get it out of my head!

but i just wanted to say thank you guys!!!! seriously, over 2 fucking thousand reads and 153 votes! When i started the story i was content with no one reading it, i just wrote it to get it out of my head!

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i dont understand the rating thingy and how it's determined who gets #1, but somehow my shitty story is so thank you!

so many of you guys are so nice and sweet and loyal and vote/comment on even my shittiest chapters! it brings a giant smile to my face and on multiple occasions my family has asked me, "j why are so smiling so wide? its freaking me out"

because i usually hate smiling and i dont really smile. and a couple of you have even went over to my other story and voted there and i just....i cant express how grateful i am! i love reading and replying to comments, they make my day

i dont like being sappy and shit so i'll probably delete this after a couple of hours  but i just wanted to say thank you <3

you mean a fuck ton to me and ily guys <333333333

stay safe and healthy

Anyways, bye bye <3!

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