Part 16

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Jungkook rolled his eyes. "For the millionth time. No. Should I spell it out for you?  N-O. No,"

"Jungkook! We are your hyungs! And we are not fucking asking. I'm telling you we are going. We're part of the pack so can't stop us," Yoongi stated, arms balled in fists at his side.

"Come on Jungkook, what's the big deal?" Jimin tried to keep his cool, speaking softly.

"The big deal? The big deal is you're trying be near Taehyung when you know damn well you are going to hurt him,"

"If Taehyung says he doesn't want us there, we won't be there. But he does. He wants us there, more so then Hoseok at the moment," Yoongi was getting angrier by the second, completely over the others telling him not to interact with his baby. Taehyung forgave them, yeah he smacked them a couple times and made them his butlers for the next couple of weeks, but he forgave them. That's all that matters.

"Jungkookie hyung! There you are!" Taehyung ran up to them, out of breath. "I need to talk to you and Hoseok. Man I've been saying that a lot recently. 'I need to talk to you'" he mocked himself.

"Yea prince? Where are we going?"

"No where. We're talking with all 5 of us. Don't you dare fucking open your mouth. We are talking and that's final," He glared, fully invested in his mission.

Yoongi quickly pecked his lips, "Swearing petal. I don't like you swearing," Taehyung tried to cover his blush by coughing. He failed miserably.

"Don't fucking touch him Min,"

"Oh my god Jungkook stop," Taehyung smacked him on the back of his head, "Now where is that big doofus?"

"Tae! Love I am so sorry about that, I really am," Hoseok hugged him.

"Save it. Its whatever. Do it again and I'll castrate you though," His smile was sickly sweet. "Now that everybody is here, we can begin,"

He turned to Jimin and Yoongi, "You two, I love you. And I forgive you, as you know,"

"Prince how could you f-"

"Shut up Jeon. I forgive them because they stopped being hoes and have been doing everything they could to earn my forgiveness. They even went against you, which was so very brave and so so very stupid,"

"Aw I love you too sweetheart,"

"You're so cute petal,"

"Shut up. Now. You two," Jungkook and Hoseok looked terrified when he pointed at them, "Need to start minding your own damn business,"

Yoongi kissed his cheek.

"Yoongi Hyung, is this going to happen forever?" Taehyung blushed.

"Until I'm dead at least,"

"Alright moving on. You guys need to accept that they are my mates. I love them just as much as I love you guys and you can't change that,"

"But love, you can't trust them!"

"That right there! Stop that! I will trust whoever the fuck- Yoongi back off- I want! You guys are so overprotective and it makes me feel like a child. It makes me feel like you don't trust me enough to make my own decisions," Taehyung's eyes slightly clouded with tears. "Damn I've been crying way to much recently,"

Hoseok dipped his head, "Baby, I know you love them. But they aren't trustable. Jimin's going to get bored and leave you heartbroken. Yoongi's going to-I don't know what but he's going to do something,"

Jimin pulled Taehyung on the bench near them, setting the small omega in his lap, "I could say the same about you. We weren't the only fuckboys at Bangtan. Oh shit guys we haven't gone to school in like 3 months,"

Taehyung gasped. "Of fuck guys! Guys we're screwed!"

"It's fine, we don't actually need to go to school, you know," Yoongi pulled Taehyung into a searing kiss, ignoring the stares of the other 3. Taehyung was still seated in Jimin's lap, lifting his head to reach Yoongi. "Petal you won't like what happens if you keep swearing," He said lowly.

"I think I will," He was out of breath, staring directly into Yoongi's eyes.

"Ok maybe that was hot," Hoseok shrugged. "I still don't like either of you but I also don't want Taehyung to be mad at me anymore,"

An exhuasted sigh left the omega's lips. "You are really fucking dumb. But I love you so that's ok," His eyes widened, "No! I didn't say the f word! I said freaking!"

Jimin squeezed his waist, "Sweetheart I don't like liars. I heard it,"

"I didn't say it! 'M not lying," Taehyung mumbled. They all watched with fond eyes as he pouted, kicking his feet. "Guys, what were you arguing about?"

Jungkook hesitated, "Maybe about you? I didn't want them going to the initiation thing. I still don't but I guess I don't have a choice,"

Taehyung couldn't stop himself from letting out a loud coo. He swiftly got up from Jimin's lap and squeezed Jungkook's face "Hyung you're so cute!" He kissed the older's pouty lips.

"Prince I think you should take that back. I'm most definitely not cute," He lifted the smaller up, wrapping his legs around his own waist.

The embarrassed squeak that left Taehyung forced a chuckle out of the others. He stuffed his face in Jungkook's neck, "I hate you all," He mumbled. It mostly sounded muffled, but he got his point across.

"I love you too. So we should probably head to the ceremony huh? It started like 20 minutes ago," The youngest alpha carried a struggling Taehyung across the field, followed by the 3.

"You suck. I thought it was tomorrow?" The silver haired male tried to escape Jungkook's arms, feeling weak and like a burden when he was carried. He failed, the alpha was determined. He could have easily overpowered him, but Taehyung didn't want to hurt his mate. Well, the only one who hasn't pissed him off super bad yet.

"I lied,"

The ceremony was short, it was everyone but Jin's first time seeing Taehyung's wolf. The pack stared in awe as his shiny white coat glistened in the moonlight.

Taehyung felt the link form in the back of his mind once the process was complete. It felt....nice. It was nice to be in a pack, knowing all of these wolves were there for him. He was no longer alone, he wouldn't have to deal with his struggles by himself.

'Good job, love. We're all so proud of you!' Holy shit they can mindlink now.

They also could have if they completed the mating bond, but they weren't quite there yet.

They would get there. But you can't make me write that so ha ha hoes. Suffer


Hey hoes. 1116 words.

yeah this book is almost done, which tbh im a little excited for because that means i get to share that other secret thing im not telling you about but you can probably guess.

im thinking that the last few chapters will be purely fluff and maybe. maybe. maybe. some steamy things.

but probably not so dont get your hopes up.

leave me comments! comment some random shit idc. im lonelyyyyyy jk but not really.

stay safe and healthy. love you hoes <3

Anyways, bye bye <3!

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