Part 4

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Taehyung shot up on the bed, forehead dripping with sweat and chest heaving. He ignored that though, in favor of looking around the unfamiliar room. He could smell the faint scents of Jin and Namjoon, they must have been here not too long ago. He looked out of the window, the sun wasn't even close to being up, they sky still black and the moon shining as bright as ever.

"Oh no," Taehyung muttered. He could feel his perfume fading away, fast. He needed to get home, this was Namjoon's pack, his mates are in Namjoon's pack. Meaning his mates are in the same house he's in.

"Fuck they're going to get my scent," He hopped out of the bed and quickly found his way out of the room.

"If they're going to smell me, might as well let V out," His bones shifted, cracking and changing. Hands turned to paws, silver hair turning to white fur covering the majority of his body, minus the scars where fur could no longer grow. His electric blue eyes glew in the early day, his senses enhanced more so than usual. V knew exactly where his mates were. 5 doors down, all in a row. He fought himself on visiting the people he loves, forcing himself to turn and run.

V was fast, just a blur of movement through the woods, coming to a screeching halt in front of his 'house'. This house was...basically just a shack he built with his own two hands in the middle of the woods, off of any pack's territory. It was small, 3 rooms in total. His bedroom, a bathroom, and a kitchen mashed with the living room. It was homey though, well decorated and sturdy.

The transformation back was quick, leaving him stark naked on his own front porch. He rushed inside, bumping into all sorts of objects in the dark. He took a short shower, knowing he had probably smelled like shit. The clothes Taehyung threw on were random, but as he had limited clothes, they matched pretty decently.

"Fuck where is it?" Taehyung asked himself. He had just put on his perfume and put in his spare contact lenses, his first pair ruined by the shifting. Though these ones weren't perscription, making him grab his black, thin rimmed metal glasses. He went to grab his sketchbook from his backpack, but couldn't remember where he put it.

"Shit" He muttered. "It's still at Namjoon's" Taehyung sighed, knowing that he couldn't get his bag back until school started, which was in 2 or 3 hours. The sun had just started to rise, beautiful orange hue casting over his bedroom. He opened the window, letting in fresh air and letting him hear the sounds nature provided. He could hear the running stream maybe a mile away, he could hear the birds chirping away happily in the trees. He could hear the wind gently pushing around the foliage and the growls emanating from close by.

Wait. Growls?

Taehyung watched as 3 large wolves burst through the trees into the small clearing he built his house on.

"Shit" His whisper was inaudiable, thankfully. He knew these wolves, they had kidnapped him when he was young, only 11 years old, before he knew how to make scent hiding perfume and before he could buy his own contacts.

"I'm so not in the mood for this," He whined. Loudly. The 3 wolves' heads snapped up, looking directly at him. Taehyung sighed, at least he has 2 hours or so to deal with them. He could take his time.

Taehyung walked out of the back door, empty handed and in human form. These 3 were all alphas, cocky and self-centered.

"Guys! I have school soon, you could have at least waited until after school today," Taehyung pouted. It was Friday, thankfully.

'Don't pull any bullshit on us today, Taehyung. You're outnumbered,' The grey furred wolf, the head alpha of the group, said.

"Outnumbered my ass, I killed basically your whole pack in like 20 minutes," He shrugged. It was true, when he finally escaped at 13 years old, he had no control and had been treated terribly. He left few alive.

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