Part 7

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"I'm still mad,"

"Oh shut up Yoongi. I'm not letting you corrupt my baby with," Jin had his nose scrunched up, looking Yoongi up and down, disgusted.

"I just wanted him to sit in my lap! I wasn't gonna fuck him!" He defended, thinking to himself 'I wasn't gonna fuck him yet'

"You're damn right you're not. Now stop arguing with me. We've been here for 10 minutes and I haven't bought a damn thing," Jin walked away with his head held high.

"Hyung is ridiculous. He knows Taehyung isn't actaully his kid, right?" Jimin looked at Jin, astonished. They all still followed him around though.

Taehyung felt awkward shopping with the six, they had money and he didn't. Their arms were full of expensive clothing and his weren't. He trailed behind them, looking through the windows, amazed at the variety of things different shops offered. Many shops sold clothes and jewlery, but the one he was really interested in was one that sold all sorts of different weapons. Butterfly knives, katanas, guns of all kinds.

"Taehyung?" Jungkook had noticed the younger had fallen behind, staring at one shop. "Do you want to go in?" Sure, he thought it was weird that this seemingly innocent kid wanted to go into a shop full of deadly pieces of metal, but he also thought that maybe he was interested in the jewlery they sold.

"No thank you hyung," Taehyung said politely.

"Why not?" It was obvious he wanted to, what was stopping him?

Taehyung was slightly embarrassed, "I don't have any money,"

The older scoffed, "So what? I'll pay,"

Jungkook found it cute when Taehyung put his hands out, as if that was going to stop him. "No no no hyung! It's alright! I have en-"

"Stop talking and go buy things," He put a hand on Taehyung's lower back, pushing him into the store.

"Taehyung? Oh my gosh! It's been so long since the last time you've been here!" The manager said. He was a nice man, Eric. He was very kind to Taehyung, gave him discounts and treated him fairly. He was elderly, hair white and eyebrows rising to his forhead.

"Hi, Eric!" He waved cutely, eleciting silent coos from Jungkook.

"Whose this with you? You always come here alone,"

"Oh this is my friend from school! His name is Jungkook!"

"Nice to meet you son. Keep this one around you hear me?" He told Jungkook. "He's a good kid. Anyways, you wander around. Taehyung, I have some new stuff in the back you would probably like,"

"Thank you Eric, I'll make sure to check it out!" He pulled Jungkook by his wrist to the back, labeled 'Employees Only'. Taehyung had only been there for around 2 months, sure. But he had known Eric for a while. Eric had owned a shop in Gwangju, but it burned down and he wanted to relocate.

Jungkook raised an eyebrow at the sign, "This is where the stuff is?"

"Yup! Eric always has some special stock for me,"

"So what do you plan on getting? A necklace or something?" The alpha still didn't believe that Taehyung would buy something like a gun.

"No! Of course not, I'm not too fond of jewelery," They had went down a narrow hallyway, entering a large warehouse type room filled to the brim with guns, knifes, swords and even a couple spears.

"This is what you're getting?" His tone was condescending. He didn't mean it, and didn't even notice until Taehyung's head dipped down.

"Oh no no I didn't mean it like that! I just didn't think someone as adorable as you would want weapons!" Jungkook was frantic, he didn't want to make his crush sad....

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