Part 11

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Jungkook sighed, kissing Taehyung's pouty lips, "Prince, we have to go,"

"Why can't you make Yoongi and Jimin go instead?" Taehyung whined.

Jungkook and Hoseok were leaving with Namjoon to go check on a pack nearby who got attacked. They wouldn't take Taehyung with them.

"I already asked Namjoon, he's being a real dick about it," Hoseok said, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's waist.

"But you guys are leaving for a whole week! Who am I going to cuddle now?" Taehyung crossed his arms over his chest, mad at them for leaving.

"Come on love, don't be like that. We don't want to leave you, but we don't have a choice. Plus, don't you want the other pack to be alright? I don't think Yoongi Hyung or Jimin would be able to help them if something else was wrong, they're not the smartest,"

Taehyung had avoided Jimin and Yoongi like the plague, not they had seeked him out or anything, but whenever he saw them, he ran. Jimin always rolled his eyes and went to his girlfriend, but Yoongi sometimes looked a little hurt.

Taehyung looked at his feet, "I guess, but that doesn't mean I have to like it,"

Jungkook lifted his chin, "Prince, we'll be back before you know it. We'll miss you too,"

After around 20 or so minutes of Taehyung demanding more kisses and stomping his feet, the trio left.

"And now I'm all alone," Taehyung mumbled, heading to his room in the pack house. He had moved in, taking all of his stuff from his house and shoved it in his room. He wasn't going to stay there for long though, his two mates were working on building them a new house to live in together.

Taehyung dragged his feet across the house, mumbling "I have no one," and "Everybody left me"

The maids laughed at him, not in a mean way, but he was just too cute.

"Even Jinnie Hyung isn't here...." Taehyung flopped onto his bed. He was right, Jin had left to go see his parents yesterday, so he was left alone with the two dumbasses.

The omega stared at the ceiling until he grew bored. "Kookie!" He yelled. The bunny hopped around the corner, nudging his leg. He didn't need a cage or anything, he had stayed with Taehyung in the woods, he could stay in a house. He was let outside often, he always came back.

"Kookie! I haven't seen you in like 6 hours!" He put the bunny on his bed, watching him disappear into the sheets. "Come out, I need something to snuggle,"

He hid his face in the bunny's fur, feeling the tears come pouring down. They were only gone for an hour, but he was lonely. He didn't have his Hyungie, he didn't have any friends, and he didn't have his mates.

Taehyung pulled out his phone, something Jungkook and Hoseok had bought for him two days ago, and called Jin.

The line rung for a while before Jin's voicemail came through, "You've reached WWH WorldWide Handsome, I'm either feeding my child or hitting his mates, please leave a message," Taehyung laughed, "Call me back Jinnie, I miss you!"

Taehyung set Kookie down on the ground before heading outside. So far, no one had seen his wolf form but Jin. He planned on keeping it that way. He wasn't embarrased of his wolf, he just really stood out.

He ran through the woods, heading towards the meadow he found a little while ago. He stopped in front of the giant rock that blocked the entrance. V barked lightly, knowing he had to climb it to get around. It was no challenge, just a little bit of fun.

V rolled around in the flowers, chased butterflies, and jumped in the mud. He panted, tired after a whole day spent running around.

He watched the sun set, the trees taking on the orange and red hue. It was beautiful, it made the meadow look almost unreal. He smiled, as best as he could as a wolf , before taking off back to the house.

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