Part 2

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"Hello Yoongi"

"Hey nerd," Yoongi said, smirking. "You know, Namjoon's looking for you,"

"I know," Taehyung had a blank face on, but he was smiling inside. One of his mates was talking to him!

"What'd you do?" He moved closer.

"I pissed him off," Taehyung moved back. He looked behind him and saw the ledge was close, so he just sat on it. He knew Yoongi wasn't going to leave.

"No fucking duh. What did you do, nerd?" He was getting closer to Tae. The younger's heart was beating fast, his mate was right there.

"I told him that I didn't want to sit with you guys. Apparently Jin really wanted me to,"

Yoongi's eyes widened, "You turned down Jin? What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He wasn't granted a response. Taehyung turned his head to the side, accidentally causing his shirt to slip down a little. One of his bruises was now slightly visible, but his neck was what seemed to distract Yoongi.

He moved swiftly closer, sitting down directly next to Taehyung. He leaned into the younger, nosing his neck. He felt Taehyung shiver and try to pull away. Yoongi gripped his waist, "Why can't I smell you petal? Everbody has a scent, no matter how faint. Why don't you?"

As much as taehyung would have loved to stay in his mate's embrace, he shoved Yoongi's hands off of his waist and quickly made his way towards the door.

"Answer me petal, I don't like repeating myself," He trapped Taehyung against the door. Taehyung's face was blank still, but he was faintly blushing.

"I'm not one of your sluts, I don't answer to you," He was brave, talking against Min Yoongi. Said man growled, low and deep.

"Excuse me? I-" He never finished his sentence, he was pushed away and hit with a metal door. Taehyung had sneakily gripped the handle of the door and used minimal strength to get out of Yoongi's hold. He didn't mean to hit him with the door, but it wiped that stupidly hot smirk off of Yoongi's face, so he didn't mind.

He raced down the stairs and through the halls, making his way towards the men's room. He locked himself in one of the stalls and sat on the floor, bringing his hands to his knees, never checking to see if he was alone.

"I just sassed Min Yoongi and then hit him in the face with a door," He meant to whisper, but said it quite loud.

"You have some balls sweetheart," A voice sounded from outside the door. Taehyung jumped up, startled.

'Two in one day...just my damn luck,' He thought.

"Come out, sweetheart," The voice was light, sweet. A complete contrast to Yoongi's raspy, deep voice. It still compelled him the same, though. He shakily stood up, reaching for the lock. Then he stilled. What was he doing? No, he didn't have to listen.

"Come out sweetheart, i won't ask again," Taehyung couldn't help but unlock the door, tears leaking from his eyes. This scared him, the alpha voices commanded you, they were rarely used for the sole reason of how it affected people. It scared everyone, it forced you. There is no rejecting the demands, and it worked especially well on omegas.

"There he is!" Park Jimin said, eyes vibrant red around the edges. He looked excited, happy and not guilty at all. Most alphas only use the voice they were granted if they were forced to, if someone wasn't listening for something super important. Even then, they still had the decency to look guilty.

"What do you want Jimin?" Taehyung folded into himself, trying to make himself seem smaller.

"Namjoon sent me! He wants to see you, Yoongi didn't do a very good job at bringing you to him," Of course, they didn't know they were mates, and they weren't friends. Why else would Yoongi and Jimin come to see him?

"So...are you here to kidnap me or something?" Taehyung asked, wringing his hands. His face was tear stained, and there was a slight red tint to his cheeks and nose.

Jimin hummed, "Kind of, if you resist there will be consequences, if not, we're cool!" The last bell of the day rung, signalling the end of the school day.

"Perfect timing! Let's go now, Namjoon's already pissed, and no one feels like dying today," He grabbed Taehyung's wrist, suprised when he felt electricity course through him. He ignored it, thinking it was just static. He dragged the younger through the now empty halls and threw him in sleek black car. Taehyung was silent the whole time, knowing that while he could easily escape, he didn't really want to. This was time with his mate, even if the other didn't know.

"Where are we going?" His voice was small, quiet.

"The pack house of course! Where else?' Once Jimin said this, Taehyung started freaking out. He was a rogue, crossing pack borders. This really couldn't end well, even if a pack member and the pack leader's son 'invited' him in.

"What's wrong sweetheart? You're getting nervous aren't you? No need to-well, actually... you might die today, you really pissed Namjoon off, you made his precious mate really sad.

'I'm not going to die, but i might be chased out again...but this time....I'll be chased from my mates..' Taehyung thought morosely.


Hey hoes! This one is 896 words. Maybe i'll keep putting down the words. Maybe I won't, who knows. I really thought today was Monday.....all day, until one of my favorite youtubers released a video, she only posts on Tuesdays.

This hoe just put on fake lashes for the first time ever, and they look pretty cool. One of the things i absouletly despise about myself are how short and weird my lashes are, they make my eyes look even weirder, so i felt good today. My mom even bought me foundation, it doesn't completely match but at least i have some. im just getting into makeup that isn't just plain eyeshadow, and im trying to lose weight, so im feeling better about myself lately. that could also be because since i wasn't in school there was no one insulting me but who tf knows man. Lmao all of my makeup is clearance makeup.

Please correct mistakes or leave a comment, i wont get upset, i would actually apprecitate it!

Anyways, bye bye!

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