Part 18

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"Don't worry Soobin, we'll get this sorted," The alpha said, patting the 16 year old on the shoulder. "In the mean time, would you like to stay here?"

"Yes please! Thank you so much sir!"

The alpha chuckled, "It's not a problem kid. Now I think Taehyung is waiting outside the door, so you might as well go assure him you're ok,"

Soobin nodded, rishing out of the room.

"TaeTae Hyung! He said I can stay!"

Taehyung hugged him tight, "Yay! My baby! Alright, so I guess we should introduce you to everyone, huh?"

They walked down the stairs, into the living room and joining the other 6 who waited on the couches.

"My love what took you so long?" Hoseok whined. He pulled Taehyung into his lap, nuzzling into his neck.

"Nothing. So! Soobin, this is Hoseok, the guy glaring at Hoseok is Yoongi, they don't really get along yet. Jimin is the short one to my left, and Jungkook is this muscle pig!" Taehyung explained. The youngest nodded, trying to memorize their faces.

"And this is Jin. Namjoon hyung is his mate, he's kinda like my dad! He's the alpha's son,"

"Where are your parents Hyung?" Soobin asked, not noticing Taehyung's face fall.

He wasn't answered, Taehyung cleared his throat and changed the topic. He seemed off for the next few hours, less smiley and usually found staring off into space. Soobin watched him carefully, concerned when Taehyung said he was going for a run.

It had been an hour. He hadn't returned.

"Guys?" Soobin started. He was with the other 6, them discussing what to do for Taehyung's upcoming birthday. "How long does Hyung usually take on his runs?"

Jungkook thought for a second, "An hour to an hour and a half. There's no need to worry, Tae's fine. We would know if something's off,"

But Soobin wasn't convinced. Something felt wrong. There was a pit in the bottom of his stomach that he couldn't get rid of. "Ok. I'm going to go take a nap, I'm beat," The others bid him a good nap. They were kind to him, he felt welcomed.

"Hyung?" He called, searching the woods, "Hyung? Are you alright?" There was no reponse, so he carried on.

He walked for a while, trying to spot anything abnormal. He walked towards a meadow, seeing a blur of white.

"Hyung? Is that you?" The wolf jumped on him, baring it's teeth. He screamed, feeling the claws dig into his skin. It seemed to recognize him, quickly retracting its claws and getting off of him.

"TaeTae Hyung?" He asked. The wolf nodded. "Are you alright? Something feels weird. And they guys said you were fine but I was worried," He paused when the wolf brushed up against him in apology.

"It's ok, I just was a little scared. Can we go back? This place is pretty and all, but I need a nap," The wolf went ahead of him, jumping around and chasing small creatures.

"Soobin. Honey where the fuck have you been?" Two people emerged from the tree line, anger ever so present on their faces.

"M-mom. D-dad. What are you d-doing here?" He asked, stepping slightly behind Taehyung.

"Oh, dear. Is this the one you marked? I knew you wouldn't disappoint me!" The woman said, clasping her hands together.

"Uh, no. He already has mat- a mate,"

"So?" The man growled, "If he isn't marked you could mark him? What the hell are you waiting for? Don't fucking disappoint me!"

Taehyung changed back, "I suggest you leave," His voice was soothing, persuasive. The couple stared at him for a while.

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