Part 9

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"I would say 4, but I could really care less. I'll probably reject him when he wakes up," Taehyung heard everthing. He had never really gone to sleep, he wanted to and tried to, but his wolf was really excited. V wouldn't let him sleep, and he didn't want to block V out, so he just laid in bed.

Taehyung froze. Reject him? This is why he never told them, this is why he wore his perfume. He didn't want to be rejected. He would probably die.

So he punched through his window, it was thin glass so it took minimal effort. He fit through it easily, climbing out and jumping into the grass. He would be faster in wolf form, but then they would smell him and he would be rejected. His legs took him extremely far into the woods really fast, they wouldn't ever catch him.

'Why did I not stop them? If I had just stayed awake, I could have gone home on my own and no one would know,' He though to himself. He kept getting smacked by branches, but he could care less. He wasn't going to slow down, not until he was far enough away that no one would find him, until he was ready to be found. He remembered to grab his perfume, thankfully.

When he finally slowed, it was the next day and the sun was rising. He was hungry, tired, and sad. He missed his eomma and appa, as well as all 4 of his mates.

He sprayed on some perfume after taking a dip in a nearby lake, not wanting to attract any other rogues.

"Maybe Jimin doesn't want me because I'm a rouge? No, he couldn't possibly know that, only Jin and Namjoon do," he thought out loud. His clothes were damp and he still hadn't ate anything or slept.

He stopped his movements when he heard ruffling in bushes close by. He turned his head just enough to watch them. All movements paused for a moment.

And then out popped a bunny.

Taehyung sighed, he thought we was going to get attacked. He sat down, ushering the bunny closer. He wasn't going to kill the bunny, he just wanted a friend.

The bunny hopped closer without hesitation, snuggling into Taehyung's arms.

"I'll call you Kookie, because you look like Jungkookie Hyung!" He exclaimed excitedly. The bunny just started chewing on his shirt in response.

"Oh, are you hungry? Me too..." He stood up, Kookie settled in his arms. "I could go fishing. I don't mind fish..." He walked around for a while, looking for a place to sleep for however long he stayed in the woods. He found a small waterfall near the river, a cave hiding behind it. It was dark and empty, but Taehyung could easily make a fire to light it up.

He put Kookie down inside, "Now Kookie, I have to go get things to eat and stuff to build a fire. Are you going to stay here?" He hoped so. But it's a wild animal, you can never be sure.

He gathered wood quickly, grabbing some dried leaves as well as rocks. He would get the fish later. Once back in the cave, he put the wood down and put some rocks around it, preventing the fire from spreading. Not like he needed to do that in a cave, surrounded by rock and rock only, but it also made it look a tad bit better.

The fire started quickly, and Kookie hopped out from one corner of the cave.

"You didn't leave!" He placed the bunny in his lap as he poked the fire. He grabbed one of the extra sticks, this one pretty big, and used some vines to attach a sharp rock to the top. He made a spear!

"At least now I don't have to catch the fish with my bare hands..." He mumbled. Kookie hopped out of his lap and wandered the cave, his little nose twitching at everything.

"Of yeah, you need some food too!" He ran out of the cave, picking every edible berry and plant possible. He picked some for himself too, he wasn't living off of fish forever. He took off his shirt and folded it into a bag, so he didn't have to carry everything. He placed his bag of food down, and attempted to spear some fish. He got one small one, good enough.

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