Part 6

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Jin rushed everyone to the lunch table, eager to explain to Hoseok and the others. The younger 4 looked confused, they've never seen their Hyung look so distressed. Namjoon knew what was going on, so he wasn't concerned.

"Hyung is this about Taehyung?" Hoseok asked, confusing the other 3 even further. Their hearts fluttered at the name, but they shrugged it off as usual.

"What about Taehyung Hobi?" Yoongi was interested in this conversation, startling everybody. Yoongi? Engaged in a converstation when he could be sleeping? It was laughable.

"Apparently he slept over last night, but I don't know why,"

"If you would listen to me, you would know why," Jin said, crossing his arms. Jimin nodded at the elder, urging him to continue. "Namjoon wanted to speak with him last night, making Yoongi to bring Taehyung to him. He failed, so Jimin did. Don't give me that face Yoongi, you failed to do your job properly,"

Yoongi cleared his throat, wiping the scowl off of his face.

"So I don't know what they talked about, and Namjoon won't tell me, but I heard a thud and Taehyung curse. Namjoon called for me and when I entered the room, Taehyung was lying on the ground, unconcious. He had bruises covering his whole body. Those bruises are caused when your mate has sex with someone else," Jin started explaining. Everyone frowns, knowing no one deserved that. "So we put him in one of the guest rooms. He had left his bag in Namjoon's study, so that's why I had it this morning,"

"That's horrible. Poor guy," Jimin commented.

"Yeah, and I love that kid. I've known him since he was 10,"

Jungkook looked shocked, "What? You know him?"

Jin nodded, "Yes, but he doesn't remember me. We lived in the same city for a while and he did me some favors. But his dad probably beat the memories out of him," He whispered the last part, hoping no one heard him. They all did though.

No one had anything to say, not knowing how to respond to that.

"Whoops. Didn't mean for you to hear that," He said once he realized everyone heard him. "Ignore it, he'll tell you once you guys become friends. Because that's why we're here! I want us all to become his friends, he's always been a social kid, but he was poor and could beat the shit out of everyone, so he had no friends,"

"But Hyung, he won't talk to anyone!" Hoseok exclaimed.

"I don't care, befriend him. He somewhat talks to me, he at least doesn't run the opposite direction when he sees my face," Everyone collectively sighed, knowing that Jin would befriend that kid no matter what, or he would die trying.

Jin spent the rest of the day talking with Taehyung, and suprisingly, Taehyung talked back. They had some classes together, which made Jin's life easier.

~~~~1 week later~~~~

"Jin Hyung? Can I talk to you?" Taehyung asked nervously.

They had gotten quite close during the next school week, it was Friday again. Jin spent his every waking moment asking questions and getting to know Taehyung further.

"Of course!" Jin replied, letting Taehyung lead him into an empty classroom. "So what did you want to talk about?"

Taehyung played with his sweater paws, hesitating. "Um. Why-" he paused, taking a breath. He wasn't used to talking so directly, "Why are you so interested in being my friend?"

"Oh sweetheart. You still don't remember me do you?" He mumbled sadly.

"I know you?" Taehyung tilted his head.

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