Part 15

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Taehyung looked out his window and sighed. "Stupid overprotective bitches," He muttered.

"Won't even let me fucking shower by myself. Idiotic whores," Taehyung pouted.

"Who are you calling an idiotic whore baby?" Yoongi walked in, smiling.

"For once, not you. My other two dumbass mates won't let me do jack shit," The younger huffed, crossing his arms.

Yoongi snorted, "Well you did get shot not that long ago," He went up to the omega and kissed his cheek. "And stop swearing so much. You're worse than me,"

"Shit bitch fuck whore ass hell dick damn bullsh-"

Taehyung was more than suprised when Yoongi pressed his lips against his own. He froze, blushing. "uh......w-what?"

The smirk plastered on Yoongi's face was almost irritating, "You didn't listen to me. I had to shut you up, it was a win-win,"

"But, you-I- fuck you," Taehyung spit, pouting when the elder kissed him again.

"Every time you swear, I'm going to kiss you. Deal with it," Yoongi shrugged. He pulled Taehyung into his lap, arms around his middle.

"Yoongi, Hoseok is going to kill you. He's going to be here soon,"

"Worth it,"

"Oh, and where the hell is Jimin?" Taehyung didn't realize the swear that slipped out until Yoongi's lips were back on his. He whined when the alpha tried to pull away.

"Petal. No swearing,"

"But swearing is fun! And it gets the point across," The younger internally grinned, "And to be honest, I don't really give a shit,"

The alpha lowly growled, "Petal, I won't ask again. I'm starting to think this is on purpose," He smashed his lips against Taehyung's, pleased with the whimper that escaped.

"What the fuck is happening here?" Someone walked in, glare set on his face.

"Oh, hey!"

"Don't 'oh, hey' me! Were you guys gonna fuck without me?" Jimin pouted.

Taehyung's face rivaled a tomato. "N-no! Where were you?"

"I broke up with the whore,"

"Finally. Oh, that reminds me," Taehyung got up from Yoongi's lap, calmly walking towards Jimin and slapping him across the face.

Jimin looked stunned, red handprint etched into his face.

Taehyung smiled smugly, "You told me I could feel free to smack you when I woke up, I'm a little overdue but I do what I want,"

"Damn petal, that was...that was hot. Yeah that was really hot,"

"Excuse me? What right do you have to call my mate hot you dickbag?" Hoseok put Taehyung behind him, hiding him from Jimin and Yoongi. He snarled, eyes tinted red.

"Hobi Hyung it's alright, they're my mates too," Taehyung placed a hand on his shoulder, calming him almost instantly.

"Love, they're no good. Now let's go, I don't want to be near trash," Hoseok tugged his arm, trying to pull Taehyung out of his own room.

"No. No I don't think so,"

Hoseok frowned heavily, "Yes. Now. Don't make me angry,"

"You don't fucking get to be angry. They are my mates, not yours. You don't get to choose whether I see them or not,"

"Kim Taehyung, you listen to me right now," Hoseok's eyes went full red.

Tears immediately poured down Taehyung's face, listening to Hoseok with a heavy heart. "You're a jackass Hoseok,"

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