Part 17

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ok so like, usually i would do this at the end but... what the actual fuck guys.

over 1k reads? 82 votes? wtf is u guys doing?

thank you guys so fucking much! It means so fucking much!

but like...why? my grammer is shit and the whole book is just...boring...

i love you all so damn much :( <3

The moon shined brightly, reflecting in the lake beautifully. It was dead quiet, no birds chirping, no crickets, no leaves rustling. It was almost unsettling.

The ground crunched in the cold, breath visible in the air. He shivered, hands rubbing his arms to keep slightly warm.

He shouldn't be here. He shouldn't be here- he needed to leave, right now.

A branch snapped to his left. He froze.

Goosebumps rose as breath hit his skin. A hand made its way to his neck, squeezing gently.

"Are you lost, pup? What are you doing in the woods?" The man sniffed deeply, "Oh? An omega? I thought you all were dead! How lucky am I?"

The hand travelled down to his shoulder, turning him around to face the unknown man. "Ah, an omega's beauty is unparalleled,"

"Don't you speak? I don't like silence," The man carressed his face.

He flinched, snapping out of his daze. "What are you doing? Where am I? Who the fuck are you?"

Taehyung stepped back, lowering himself into a fighting stance.

"The pup thinks he can fight? Omega do yourself a favor and listen to me, I don't want you to hurt yourself," The man's face was in the dark, shaded by trees.

"Who are you? I won't ask again," Taehyung watched as he stepped forward, into the moonlit clearing.

He lifted his face, smirking. "I'm sure you know me,"

The silver hair tilted his head in confusion, "I still don't know who you are. Am I supposed to?"

The man groaned, "Really? You don't know me? Damn I thought I was making a reputation for myself. The name's Soobin!"

"Ok, hi Soobin! Why should I have known you?" Taehyung kept his guard up, but dropped his hands.

"Well, I really thought my pack was getting out there. I'm supposed to be one of the new 'pack alphas who make a difference'. Yeah I'm supposed to be making a name, a name people will fear," Soobin shrugged.

"So what was all that? With the calling me 'pup' and trying to scare me?" Taehyung asked, leaning against a nearby tree.

Soobin smiled sheepishly, "Sorry. I swear I'm not actually a huge dick. My parents wanted me to kidnap some random beta and mark them. I don't want to, but they're trying to force a mate on me. I haven't met mine yet,"

A frown made it's way to Taehyung's face, "Your parents are huge dicks. Damn I really have to stop swearing, Yoongi will have my head,"

"Who's Yoongi?"

"My mate," He wasn't about to tell this stranger he had 4 mates, even if he was super adorable.

"Oh shit you have a mate? That's awesome! What's it like?" Soobin's eyes sparkled and Taehyung leaned forward to pinch his cheeks.

"Well. Mine's kind of a dick. Or used to be. He didn't like me at first,"

Soobin's shoulders dropped, "So you don't like your mate?"

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