Chapter Forty-Six

Start from the beginning

"Ready?" He asked, only earning a nod as a response from Jungkook before they walked outside and onto the porch that was covered in snow up past their ankles. The ravenette has never seen this much snow before in his whole life as they walked through it and down the stairs to the porch. "The wood's over here."

The alpha pointed to the pile of firewood that was hidden underneath a snow-covered tarp, protecting it from the snow so it wouldn't get wet and be impossible to light and use for warmth. The youngest only nodded again as they made their way towards the firewood that was a bit away from the pack house.

The silence was eating at the boy, not at all liking it as he walked beside the older but still managing to keep enough distance from him. He knew they weren't on good terms, and they really hadn't talked in the past couple weeks due to recent events.

He had his hands shoved in his coat pockets as they continued walking through the snow that only seemed to get higher the farther they walked away from the house. Jungkook remained silent, uncertain if he should say anything at all since the last time he tried talking to the older, it only led him into saying harsh words to Jungkook.

"How much wood can you carry?" The alpha asked the youngest, looking down at him as Jungkook could only shrug, unsure how to answer the question.

"I don't know. Probably a few logs," He answered, glancing up at Taehyung, who only smiled a little down at him. It was the first smile he had received from the older in weeks, and he hadn't realized how much he missed it until he saw it.

"How about me make this into a competition?" The older suggested, and this piqued the boy's interest now. His head perked up as he looked at the alpha, eyes round and a small grin making its way onto his baby pink lips.

"What kind of competition?"

"Whoever can carry the most logs wins," The alpha stated with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders as they began to approach the neatly stacked firewood. Jungkook frowned at this a little, wishing there was more of a challenge.

"That's it?" He asked, only to receive a nod in return. "Well that's boring," He added, being sure Taehyung heard him, and when he did, the older scoffed playfully at him as he looked down at the boy.

"Is it now?" He queried, which made Jungkook bob his head a little as he looked straight ahead at the pile of firewood that was covered with a tarp, snow piling on top and it made him realize they would have to swipe it off before they could do anything.

Neither decided to say anything as they approached the wood. Taehyung went to one side while Jungkook stayed at the end, looking up to see the amount of snow that was piled on top of it.

"We need to clear it off and try not to get any on the wood, or else it'll get wet and we can't use it," Taehyung said as he slipped on his gloves when the tips of his fingers felt like they were about to fall off.

He slipped the on before he stood in front of the large pile as Jungkook stood beside him. The boy got an idea on how to get the snow off. He looked around and found a small hole where he could place his foot.

Taehyung glanced over and saw the boy climbing the stack of firewood, causing his eyes to go wide. "What're you doing?" He asked, standing there as he watched him climb to the top.

"Clearing the snow from the top," He answered as he began swiping the snow off to the side with his arm. Taehyung watched from where he was, hands in his pockets as he made sure to stay out of the way where the snow was falling.

"Be careful, please." Jungkook only nodded as he continued doing what he was doing, tempted to swipe some onto the alpha, but decided against it because he didn't know if they were currently on good terms or not right now.

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